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If you're already using Twitter as a tool for your law firm—as a little over a third of firms report they're already doing or plan to do in 2013—you may think that Twitter's primarily a way to get your marketing content out there. But if you're looking at Twitter exclusively from a content marketing perspective, you're missing out on som..

Over 90 percent of law firms are now using social media marketing of some type for 2013. When it comes to setting your social media goals, an obvious question arises: how do you know if you've been successful implementing your social media strategies? The question becomes even harder once you start going down the rabbit hole and using several social media pla..

Understanding Google page ranking is critical for any search engine optimization work at a law firm. Knowing how to check Google Page Rank and what a PR value actually means can make your job much easier when it comes time to decide on marketing plans. You'll find out how to check your Google Page Rank, and how to use your knowledge of Google page ranking to your a..

With 400 million tweets being sent every day in 2012, Twitter and its “hashtag” system are becoming more important to law firm marketers all the time. Among the tools in your Twitter marketing arsenal should be at least one good Twitter hashtag directory. Learning to use a hashtag directory can be a little tricky at first, especially if you haven'..

Now that 90 percent of the United States uses the internet either at home or at public terminals, search engine optimization has gone from a neat tool to an absolute necessity for remaining competitive. You know from experience if you've used one that a link popularity check tool is one of the most valuable tools in your web marketing arsenal. But what if you..

When you're trying to narrow down a list of hashtags, how can you tell which one is best to use? For that matter, how do you put together a list of Twitter hashtags that will be most likely to lead to the biggest increases in business? Creating a Twitter hashtags list is a great way to start your tweeting on the right foot so that you don't have to do a b..

It's the biggest social media behemoth in the world, and no competitor even comes close: Facebook boasts over 1 billion active members in 2013, and 680 million of them take the site with them on their mobile phone. Tapping into the potential of Facebook is something many law firms are trying to do, but many of them fail to stand out in the social media w..

Foursquare business marketing is taking off as one of the latest trends in social media and networking. While Foursquare, with only 10 million users in the United States, is not the most popular of the networking sites available, its unique user interface has made it one of the best for local marketing to a young, web savvy audience. If that describes your client..

If you're new to the social media world, or if you just think that your current social media strategy could use some sprucing up, you've come to the right place. Over 90 percent of law firms today now use social media and report that they plan to continue using it in 2013. However, not all social media marketing works equally well. Too many la..

According to a recent study, Twitter may be nearly 10 times as effective as LinkedIn at getting law firms new business contacts in the B2B world. This means that if you've been using LinkedIn as your sole method of online social media marketing for businesses, you need to learn something new. In this guide, we'll go in-depth about Twitter and why it ha..

When you're looking for a new way to advertise for your firm, you may want to consider doing web video broadcasts, or video casts. Video cast advertising is a great way to make sure that you're reaching as many people as possible with your marketing efforts, because research shows that having a video on a page can reduce its bounce rate by as much as 65 percent..

When creating a video cast for lawyers, professional video companies tend to mainly let the attorneys make their own decisions about how to portray themselves. This, unfortunately, leads to a lot of very bad video cast marketing from attorneys. A good video cast for lawyers can be one of the best marketing tools in your arsenal, boosting conversion rates up to 20..

Everything About Viral Marketing
Over the last decade, several new forms of marketing have evolved on the web—and one of the most exciting is viral marketing. Viral marketing can change a company's fortunes overnight, and companies using successful viral strategies have been able to get millions of page views for company websites and videos. &n..

Everything About Viral Marketing Blog
When you're interested in starting viral marketing campaigns for your law firm, you may turn to blogs for advice or as part of your marketing strategy. Starting a viral marketing blog that can attract readers through social media and word of mouth buzz can be tough, but it's also worthwhile: over half of lawyers at s..

Everything About Viral Marketing Campaign
In contrast to most forms of advertising, which increase web traffic a modest amount, viral marketing campaigns can increase traffic to your law firm's website by as much as several thousand percent. What's more, they can do it without requiring a big expenditure—all you really need is the r..