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91. Jones Act

92. Kentucky Disability Benefits
Guide to Kentucky Disability BenefitsIf you have become disabled in the state of Kentucky, you may be eligible for disability benefits through a private insurer, your employer, or the state or federal government. Understanding the different types of KY disability benefits can help you to explore your options for putting your life back together after a disabling illness or..
93. Kentucky Unemployment Benefits
Guide to Kentucky Unemployment BenefitsIf you become unemployed through no fault of your own in the state of Kentucky, you may be eligible to receive KY unemployment benefits. These benefits can help you to continue paying your bills while you look for work. This guide will explain eligibility for Kentucky unemployment benefits, as well as the maximum benefit you ca..
94. Know the Current Unemployment Rate

95. Laboratories of Democracy

96. Lend Lease Act Text
AN ACTFurther to promote the defense of the United States, and for other purposes.Be it enacted by the Senate add House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States".SEC. 2. As used in this Act -(a) The term "defense article" means -(1) Any weapon, munition. aircraft, ..
97. Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

98. Look Into Cyclical Unemployment

99. Louisiana Disability Benefits
A brief guide to Louisiana disabilities benefitsThe law is designed to provide financial aid individuals for disabled individuals who cannot earn the money necessary to sustain basic living expenses, such as paying for food and housing. Louisiana disability benefits are administered by the Disabilities Determinations Services division of the state's Department of Children and F..
100. Louisiana Unemployment Benefits
A brief guide to Louisiana unemployment benefitsPeople who lose their job and need financial aid in the state of Louisiana should get in touch with the Office of Unemployment Insurance Administration. This state program is responsible for evaluating your claim and deciding whether you are eligible for a Louisiana unemployment benefit payment plan. There are many responsibilitie..
101. Magnusson-Moss Warranty Act Text
MAGNUSON-MOSS WARRANTY ACT -- Public Law 93-63715 U.S.C. § 2301. DefinitionsFor the purposes of this chapter:(1) The term "consumer product" means any tangible personal property which is distributed in commerce and which is normally used for personal, family, or household purposes (including any such property intended to be attached to or installed in any real property without..
102. Maine Unemployment

103. Manhattan Institute for Policy Research

104. Maryland Disability Benefits
Understanding Maryland DisabilityThere are several aspects of MD disability benefits you have to know before even applying. First off, a few questions about MD disability:1. Are you currently employed?2. Do you have a severe condition?3. Is your condition listed in Maryland’s Social Security site?4. Are you able to do the work from your previous job?5. What other types of wor..
105. Maryland Unemployment Benefits
What Are the Maryland Unemployment Benefits and What Criteria Must You Meet to Qualify?Face it: bad things can happen on the job. Such as layoffs or acquisitions. They’re not fun to have to go through in Maryland, but they are a valid part of the job system and corporate America.The good thing, though, is that there are Maryland unemployment benefits to consider. There a..