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What did the Firearm Owners Protection Act Amend?
The Act was passed in 1986 and changed the definition of a “silencer” under the National Firearms Act. FOPA made illegal the combination of parts used for silencers and any part that was used during the fabrication of a silencer. FOPA also amended the Gun Control Act and prohibited th..

The name of the state unemployment office in Florida that administers unemployment compensation is the Florida Agency for Work Force Innovation. A Florida Unemployment Office provides temporary wage relief benefits to individuals who qualify to collect temporary wage replacement benefits and are out of work through no fault of the applicant. Since the state of Florida has ..

Free Appropriate Public Education applies to students with disabilities, and the free education is required by Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Free Appropriate Public Education is defined in its most simple definition the following way: programs receiving federal funding are required to provide education and services to students with disabilit..
What were Fugitive Slave Laws?The fugitive slave laws were a series of enactments by Congress, beginning with the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and lasting up to the Civil War, that required fugitive slaves to be returned to their owners if they escaped into Free states.Northwest Ordinance of 1787The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established that Virginia would relinquish all claim..

Census records are taken, in general as well as for the specific political setting of the United States, as a way of enabling political leaders to draft legislation and carry out policies in accordance with the actual, practical needs of the country.That being said, the broadly applicable store of information generated by any one census survey, as will occur in the particular a..

In the United States, general election polls will usually refer to two specific situations. Generally speaking, general election polls will usually refer to elections that are held in concordance to a specific and period schedule for appointing a candidate to a particular political office.This definition will usually allude to the United States Presidential election, though it ..

As of 2010, the Democratic Party controlled the United States Senate, while the Republican Party was the Minority Party within the Senate. Throughout history, control of the Senate has bounced back and forth between the Republican Party and Democratic Party, and though the Democratic Party is currently the Majority Party, this can easily change after a Senate election, which oc..

What did the Geneva Conference (1954) Address?
The Geneva Conference (1954) approached conflicts in Indochina and attempted to unify the north and south of Vietnam. The conference lasted from April 26 to July 20 of 1954, and the following countries attended the conference: United States, Soviet Union, France, United Kingdom, and the Peoples..
Quick Guide to Georgia Disability Benefits Georgia DisabilitySocial Security disability insurance is administered through the Georgia Disability Adjudication Service (DAS). This administration helps to make determinations on the eligibility for SSDI, and they administer funds. In this article, you will find information about Georgia disabilities schemes, eligib..

Understanding GSA Per Diem RatesPer Diem is the amount of money given to an employee or an individual by an organization to use in order to cover travel and living expenses that are incurred due to work. The General Services Administration (GSA) establishes the GSA per diem rates for travel policy for federal employees, although this does not include federal contractors. These ..
What is the Health and Safety Executive?The Health and Safety Executive is non-departmental public agency in the United Kingdom. The Health and Safety Executive is the agency responsible for the regulation, encouragement and enforcement of workplace safety, health and welfare. Moreover, the Health and Safety Executive applies research-based methods into occupational risks in Sc..

2010 Health Care Reform Bill: SummarySince the enactment of Medicare in 1965, health care reform has become critical issue in American politics. Most other health care reform bills and initiatives of the past were turned down, such as President Roosevelt’s efforts for universal health care as well as many initiatives taken by the Clinton Administration. Unlike previous e..

Healthcare concerns in the United States after ReformWith President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, many Americans have experienced the benefits and improvements in their healthcare coverage. However, there have been concerns of the act being repealed. Doing so would give insurance companies back the power to deny coverage to those who need to most.Insuran..

How President Obama’s Healthcare Bill Helps AmericansPresident Obama's efforts to push for his healthcare bill led to the successful passage of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, more informally known as the healthcare bill. This healthcare bill drastically changes the way Americans use their health insurance coverage. The healthcare bill works to make ..

The Helen Keller National Center
At least 40,000 Americans are both blind and deaf. If you include the number of people who have lost vision and hearing due to the effects of aging, estimates for the number of blind and deaf people in the United States are over one million people. For people who have been born with or have later acqui..