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What is Welfare?The term welfare refers to government operated programs, in which eligible individuals or companies are provided with necessary services or financial assistance. The most common type of welfare is social welfare. The social welfare definition explains that this program provides individuals with a vital income while they do not have access to these important fina..

The Windfall Elimination Provision or WEPWEP, or the Windfall Elimination Provision, is a statutory provision in U.S. law that has to do with the benefits paid out by the Social Security administration through the Social Security Act, Title II.WEP specifically lowers the Primary Insurance Amount of an individual’s Disability Insurance Benefits or Retirement Insurance Benefits..
Quick Guide to West Virginia BenefitsWest Virginia Unemployment BenefitsThe state of WV provides the public with a large amount of valuable resources as well as useful information about the depth and entirety of West Virginia-unemployment-benefits. The majority of information on this website about West Virginia unemployment benefits is referenced from the claimant handboo..
Administrative Law is the legal code that governs the activities of
all administrative agencies of government. A government agency implies
any action made by a branch of government including: adjudication, rule
making, and the enforcement of a regulatory agenda. In this regard,
administrative law is a specific branch of public law. As a result of
the scope's direct en..
Government programs are state funded or federally funded government subsets that provide individuals with a certain service. The service aims to better not only the individual it targets, but society as a whole.Government programs, on both a local and federal level, provide benefits to low-income families through the vast resources at their disposal. Typically programs such as ..

Acts of Parliament are the statutes or acts instituted by a parliamentary system. They are, in other words, the laws of parliament. Acts of Parliament can be used as a term to describe the overall legislation in place for a particular parliamentary system, or a single piece of law can be described as an act of Parliament. The exact system for passing acts of Parliament through ..

Civil service pensionsCivil Service pensions are provided, under this specific title, to people who in the workforce of the United Kingdom government. The Civil Service Pensions system provides for departmental, agency, and non-departmental employee needs alike, and in all includes close to half a million people who are accordingly thus recognized as being eligible to receive a..

Arlen Specter represents the state of Pennsylvania in the United States Senate. Throughout the majority of his political career, Senator Arlen Specter was a member of the Republican Party. However, in 2009, be became a registered member of the Democratic Party. He believed that by changing his political party, he would be more likely to be reelected. Senator Specter has been in..

Dick Lugar was chosen by the residents of Indiana to represent the state in the United States Senate. Senator Lugar is a Republican Senator. Prior to being elected to the U.S. Senate, he acted as Indianapolis’s mayor, for a period of eight years. Senator Lugar has served on the U.S. Senate for an extended period of time, initially being elected to represent Indiana in 1976. H..

John Kerry was selected to represent the state of Massachusetts in the United States Senate. This Democratic Senator became well known when he ran against George W. Bush in the presidential election of 2004. Prior to serving in the U.S. Senate, Senator Kerry fought in the Vietnam War. Though he is a decorate veteran, he was a member of the group Vietnam Veterans Against the War..

A Widows Pension plan can be accessed in various countries, including under the legal infrastructure of the United States, in which a payment is made to an individual whose spouse has died in order to provide for financial support. A widows pension program has been available in the United States for eligible members since Congressional legislation was passed in 1930.To a simila..

Wiedemann Wysocki National Finance Council Award
The Wiedemann Wysocki National Finance Council Award is issued to trial lawyers by the American Association for Justice. The award is named after lawyers Fritz Wiedemann and James Anthony Wysocki, both members of the American Association for Justice who died in a plane crash en route to an organizatio..

Russ FeingoldRuss Feingold represents the state of Wisconsin in the United States Senate. He is widely recognized for his willingness to vote against the opinion of his peers if he opposes the bill in question. He openly voices his opposition of widely supported legislation, such as the PATRIOT Act. Senator Feingold is a Democrat and maintains liberal views on many important is..