Easy Guide to Annulment Catholicism
The history of annulment is rich with Biblical passages and reference to theocratic doctrine. Countless allusions to the hopes, practices, processes, and expectations of marriage are laid out in Canon law,marriage to be not only sanctified, but also immutable, prior to any legal statutes constructed regarding the processes and practices of terminating a marriage, the notion of divorce did not exist. However, due to the establishment of the United States as a democratic nation, the rules and legislatures that have been solidified are rooted in the interest of the citizens, not in any religious institution. Although a citizen of the United States may choose to exist in a religious spectrum, both religious canon, as well as dogma,conflicts found in the annulment process.
As is in the case of any perennial doctrine, without amendments and modifications based on the needs and circumstances of modernity, such a doctrine is subject to an assumed status of tradition. Had the Constitution of the United States disallowed for amendments, the ability of a citizen’s adherence to the laws expressed in its text would be difficult, if not unacceptable. Without the amendments to the Constitution, everyday practices occurring in the United States would still include such atrocities as slavery, discrimination, and possibly tyranny.
In order to avoid a similar fate, the Catholic church established church tribunals, which are appointed to rule over cases that involve both secular and religious matters. In order to both better provide for their followers, as well as retain the ability to exist within a democratic society, the Catholic church established this tribunal with the hopes of providing the best possible counsel that fuses legality with faith. Although the Catholic church does not recognize the act of divorce, they wished to provide their followers of faith with the availability of an annulment; annulment allows for a church-sanctioned termination of marriage. Many detractors of the process of annulment have criticized its methods as archaic, as a result of their perception of religious dogma valued over ethics and human rights.
As a citizen of the United States , a democratic nation,legal counsel. Should a decision allowing the annulment be reached, the couple is urged to reconsider the termination of the marriage for 14 months; in addition, any subsequent marriages on the parts of the couple in question will not be recognizable by the Catholic church.
Criticisms for Allowing
The act of pursuing an annulment of marriage is an individual choice made by either member , or both members , of the couple in question. Akin to the couple’s desire to conduct their lives in a manner that values religious tenets, the choice to adhere to the practices and processes of annulment are matters of volition. However, due to the inherent contradiction of the integration of religious ideals in tandem with legislation , as per the First Amendment to the Constitution, many detractors call the validity of annulment into question. Yet, pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment, which allows every citizen of the United States to their own life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness,custody of children, in a legal forum, the details and history of the marriage oftentimes dictate both the disbursement of property, as well as the custodial rights of the parents.
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