Spousal Support Calculator Arizona
Guide for Spousal Support Calculator in Arizona
How do I find a Spousal Support Calculator in Ohio?
You may refer to this website for a Spousal Support Calculator in Arizona. This website will help you reach the best estimate based upon Arizona state code. This Spousal Support Calculator for Arizona was formulated using Arizona State Code 25-319 Maintenance; Computation Factors.
Please note that a judge always stands as the final Spousal Support Calculator in Arizona. The state of Arizona requires a judge to look over a Settlement Agreement and rule whether the spousal support is calculated correctly and fairly.
The following conditions are used for the Spousal Support Calculator in Arizona:
A.R.S. Section 25-319(A)
1) A spouse is only eligible for spousal support if they meet one of the following :
• Do they lack sufficient property to maintain their reasonable needs?
• Is the spouse unable to become self-sufficient because of unreasonable employment or duties as a custodian to the child?
• Did the spouse contribute to the education of the other spouse?
• Is the spouse too old to gain adequate employment now that the marriage has been dissolved?
A.R.S. Section 25-319(B)
If the spouse is deemed eligible to receive support, the court will calculate the amount of support the spouse will receive after considering the following:
1) What was the standard of living during the divorce?
2) How long did the marriage last?
3) What is the age, history of employment, earning capability, and physical and mental condition of the supported spouse?
4) How do the spouses earning abilities in each of their labor markets compare?
5) How much has the supported spouse’s maintenance reduced the income and career opportunities of the other spouse?
6) How can each party contribute to the education of mutual children?
7) What are the financial resources of each spouse including martial property?
8) What is the proper amount of time for the supported spouse to receive proper education or training and find appropriate employment?
9) Has either of the parties mutually participated in excessive expenditures, destruction, or fraudulent disposition of community?
10) What is the cost for the spouse seeking support to get health insurance? What is the reduction in cost of health insurance for the other spouse if the supported spouse seeks health insurance on their own?
11) Has there ever been evidence of spousal abuse, spousal harassment, child abuse, or sexual harassment? What were the damages and judgments from these convictions?
Although Section 25-319(B) does not include the following considerations, the judge will most likely consider the following:
1) What are the tax consequences for both the supporting and supported spouse after the divorce starts?
2) Does the supported party need to maintain the same standard of living they had during the marriage?
3) What was the supporting party’s standard of living before a petition and summons was ordered?
A court may consider any other number of conditions for the Spousal Support Calculator in Arizona.
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