1040EZ Instructions
Helpful Form 1040EZ Instructions
Form 1040EZ is for a taxpayer who does not have any dependents, capital gains, or business income to report. Form 1040EZ instructions are much simpler than those of Form 1040. Form 1040EZ is a one-page tax form the can be completed out over the internet with a fillable form or downloadable version of the form and that can be sent to the IRS through the USPS. A small booklet on 1040EZ instructions can also be downloaded through the IRS as well.
Form 1040EZ Instructions for Filling Out Lines 1040EZ instructions
Like Form 1040, 1040EZ provides lines to fill out certain basic information needed on a tax return. This includes:
• Name and address
• Social Security number or an individual tax payer identification numbers for aliens
• Option to donate into the Presidential Election Campaign Fund
• Wages, salaries, tips
• Taxable interests
• Unemployment Compensation
• Certain other payments and tax
• Credits such as the Making Work Pay Credit, and Earned Income Credit
Finally, Form 1040EZ Instructions also mention that the form provides the option to receive a tax refund by direct deposit. This allows the refund to be more secure, quicker, and convenient while saving the government money.
Regardless of whether form 1040EZ instructions needed or not, the IRS provides resources to assist and make filing taxes go as smoothly as possible. It is possible to take advantage of these resources over the internet, phone, or by sending tax questions to the IRS by mail. Free assistance is available through The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program and the Tax Counseling for the Elderly program.
Before following Form 1040EZ instructions, it is best to ensure that this is the correct form necessary. The requirements for being qualified to use Form 1040EZ must all be satisfied. If all of these requirements are not are met, Form 1040 or Form 1040A may be needed instead.
Form 1040EZ Instructions on Requirements
• Filing status is single or married filing jointly.
• No dependents are claimed.
• No adjustments to income are claimed.
• Only credits claimed are the earned Income credit and the Making Work Pay credit.
• Members filing are younger than 65 and are not blind.
• The total taxable income is less than $100,000.
• Only taxable interests included salary, wages, tips, unemployment compensation, taxable scholarship, fellowship grants, or Alaska permanent Fund dividends, with the total not exceeding $1,500.
• Any earned tips are included in boxes 5 and 7 on the Form W-2.
• No advance earned income credit payments were received.
• No household employment taxes on a household employee’s wages are owed.
• You are not a debtor in any chapter 11 bankruptcy case filed after October 15, 2005.
• The Standard deduction is not found by using schedule L.
Even if all these qualifications are met, it is still possible and potentially beneficial to use another Form 1040A or 1040 instead of Form 1040EZ. For example, only Form 1040 and 1040A allow a taxpayer to claim head of household filing status, which can result in lower taxes in comparison to filing single status.
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