Chapter 632 Comprehensive Psychiatric Services
- 632.005. Definitions.
- 632.010. Responsibilities, powers, functions and duties of division.
- 632.015. Division director to be chief administrative officer.
- 632.020. Advisory council for comprehensive psychiatric services--members, number, terms, qualifications, appointment--organization, meetings--duties.
- 632.025. Services to be provided.
- 632.030. Department to develop state plan, contents.
- 632.035. Department director to establish regions.
- 632.040. Department director may establish regional councils--division director to appoint members--terms and qualifications of members.
- 632.045. Duties of regional advisory councils--plans--employment of staff.
- 632.050. Division to identify community-based services.
- 632.055. Division to provide services.
- 632.060. Department may establish outpatient clinics--cooperation with others.
- 632.070. Family services division to cooperate with mental health department--consent for minors required.
- 632.105. Adults to be accepted for evaluation, when, by whom--may then be admitted to mental health facility--consent required.
- 632.110. Minors to be accepted for evaluation, when, by whom--may then be admitted to mental health facility--parent or guardian to consent--peace officer may transport to facility, when.
- 632.115. Juveniles to be admitted by heads of facilities when committed.
- 632.120. Incompetents to be accepted by heads of facilities upon application--duration of admission for evaluation--consent may be authorized.
- 632.150. Release of voluntary patients--voluntary patient may be involuntarily detained, procedure.
- 632.155. Release of voluntary minor patients, consent required--may be involuntarily detained, when, procedure.
- 632.175. Review of patient's condition, by whom, when--release or placement--copy of review to be given.
- 632.300. Procedure when a likelihood of serious harm is alleged.
- 632.305. Detention for evaluation and treatment, who may request--procedure--duration--disposition after application.
- 632.310. Facilities to accept certain applicants--evaluation to follow--transportation back to place of residence.
- 632.315. Copies of admission application to be furnished.
- 632.320. Time limits for certain procedures.
- 632.325. Information to be furnished to patient and others, when.
- 632.330. Additional detention and treatment may be requested--contents of petition.
- 632.335. Court procedures relating to continued detention or outpatient detention and treatment--continued detention may be ordered--patient's rights relating thereto.
- 632.337. Immediate inpatient detention during court-ordered outpatient detention and treatment, procedure.
- 632.340. Further additional detention or outpatient detention and treatment may be requested--hearing to be held, when--treatment plan to be presented.
- 632.345. Physician or licensed psychologist to be appointed, qualifications--detention to be continued, how long.
- 632.350. Conduct of hearing--jury question--result.
- 632.355. Additional detention or period of outpatient detention and treatment may be ordered, when.
- 632.360. Discharge of patient, when--procedure.
- 632.365. Where detention to take place.
- 632.370. Transfer of patient by department--hearing on transfer of minor to adult ward--consent required--notice to be given--considerations--transfer to federal facility, notice, restrictions.
- 632.375. Patient to be evaluated, when--report to certain persons--court may consider continuation of detention.
- 632.380. Provisions of chapter not to apply to certain persons.
- 632.385. Patient to be placed outside facility, when--conditions--duration--furloughs--modification of orders--notice requirements.
- 632.390. Head of program to release certain patients--notification to interested parties--involuntary patient may become voluntary, notification to interested parties.
- 632.392. Release of patient involuntarily detained, duties of department--educational materials--disclosure of confidential information--"care provider" defined.
- 632.395. Court may order transfer of custody to federal facility, when--head of federal facility to be successor administrator--court to retain jurisdiction--orders from courts of other states to be o
- 632.400. Reexamination of detained person.
- 632.405. Prosecutor's duties.
- 632.410. Venue--change of jurisdiction.
- 632.415. Court to maintain register of attorneys available to represent patients--state to pay certain attorney's fees.
- 632.420. Certain examining physicians to be paid by state.
- 632.425. Physician-patient, psychologist-patient privileges waived in detention proceedings.
- 632.430. Appeals--to have priority--attorney general to be notified and to represent state.
- 632.435. Habeas corpus.
- 632.440. No liability for health care professionals, public officials and certain peace officers.
- 632.445. No liability for petitioners.
- 632.450. Representation by attorney required--duties of attorney.
- 632.455. Patient, absent without permission, return may be requested, when.
- 632.475. Sexual psychopaths committed before August 13, 1980, effect--application for release, hearing procedure--law officers to be given notice of probation or discharge.
- 632.480. Definitions.
- 632.483. Notice to attorney general, when--contents of notice--immunity from liability, when--multidisciplinary team established--prosecutors' review committee established.
- 632.484. Detention and evaluation of persons alleged to be sexually violent predators--duties of attorney general and department of mental health.
- 632.486. Petition filed by attorney general, when--copy of multidisciplinary team's assessment to be filed with petition.
- 632.489. Probable cause determined--sexually violent predator taken into custody, when--hearing, procedure--examination by department of mental health.
- 632.492. Trial--procedure--assistance of counsel, right to jury, when.
- 632.495. Unanimous verdict required--offender committed to custody of department of mental health, when--contracting with county jails, when--release, when--mistrial procedures.
- 632.498. Annual examination of mental condition, not required, when--annual review by the court--petition for release, hearing, procedures (when director disapproves).
- 632.501. Petition for release--hearing (when director approves).
- 632.504. Subsequent petitions for release--approval or denial procedures.
- 632.505. Conditional release--interagency agreements for supervision, plan--court review of plan, order, conditions--copy of order--continuing control and care--modifications--violations--agreements w
- 632.507. Attorney general to inform victims--notification of proceedings.
- 632.510. Release of information, when.
- 632.513. Sealed records of proceedings--access permitted, when.
- 632.550. Definitions.
- 632.553. Department to designate county for demonstration project--advisory board, members, duties--project goals.
- 632.555. Governing board for project, members, terms, duties.
- 632.557. Reports to governor and general assembly.
- 632.560. Mental health care provider requirements.