632.045. Duties of regional advisory councils--plans--employment of staff.
Duties of regional advisory councils--plans--employment of staff.
632.045. 1. Any regional advisory councils establishedunder section 632.040 shall participate in the preparation ofregional plans and annually review, advise on and recommend thembefore they are transmitted to the state advisory council and thedivision director. The plans shall include at least thefollowing:
(1) An inventory of existing private or community-basedpublic residential facilities, clinics, day programs and otherspecialized service providers offering mental disorder or mentalillness services;
(2) An assessment of needs, including any special targetpopulations, of unserved, underserved or inappropriately servedpersons;
(3) A statement of specific goals for the region.
*2. Any staff of such regional advisory councils shall beprovided only from funds appropriated specifically for thatpurpose. This subsection shall become effective July 1, 1981.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724)*Effective 7-1-81 (subsection 2 only)