632.310. Facilities to accept certain applicants--evaluation to follow--transportation back to place of residence.
Facilities to accept certain applicants--evaluation tofollow--transportation back to place of residence.
632.310. 1. Whenever a court has authorized the initial detention andevaluation of a respondent pursuant to subsection 2 of section 632.305, orwhenever a mental health coordinator submits an application for initialdetention and evaluation pursuant to subsection 3 of section 632.305, orwhenever a licensed physician, a registered professional nurse designated bythe facility and approved by the department, or a mental health professionalsubmits an application for initial detention and evaluation pursuant tosubsection 4 of section 632.305, a public mental health facility shall, and aprivate mental health facility may immediately accept such application and therespondent on a provisional basis, and the facility shall then evaluate therespondent's condition and admit him for treatment or release him inaccordance with the provisions of this chapter.
2. Whenever a peace officer applies for initial detention and evaluationpursuant to subsection 3 of section 632.305, the mental health facility may,but is not required to, accept the application and the respondent. If thefacility accepts the application and the respondent, the facility shallevaluate the respondent's condition and admit him for treatment or release himin accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
3. If the respondent is not accepted for admission by a facilityproviding ninety-six-hour evaluation and treatment, the facility shallimmediately furnish transportation, if not otherwise available, to return therespondent to his place of residence or other appropriate place; provided,that in the case of a person transported to the facility by a peace officer orother governmental agency, such peace officer or agency shall furnish orarrange for such transportation.
4. The department may require, pursuant to an affiliation agreement andcontract with a community-based service certified by the department to servethe catchment area where a respondent whose mental disorder consists ofalcohol or drug abuse resides, that the service immediately accept theapplication and respondent engaging in alcohol or drug abuse on a provisionalbasis and that the service then evaluate such respondent's condition and admithim for treatment for up to ninety-six hours, petition for further detentionand treatment, or release him in accordance with the provisions of chapter631, RSMo.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724, A.L. 1982 H.B. 1565, A.L. 1985 S.B. 265)