632.345. Physician or licensed psychologist to be appointed, qualifications--detention to be continued, how long.
Physician or licensed psychologist to be appointed,qualifications--detention to be continued, how long.
632.345. 1. If requested by the respondent, the court shall appointan available licensed physician or licensed psychologist to examine him andtestify at the respondent's request. If the respondent or his counsel sorequest, the court shall not appoint a physician or licensed psychologistwho is on the staff of the program wherein the person is detained, and ifthe respondent is detained in a program operated by the department andrespondent or his counsel so request, the court shall not appoint aphysician or licensed psychologist who is an employee of the department.
2. The court may grant continuances but shall do so only upon ashowing of good and sufficient cause.
3. The respondent shall continue to be detained and treated pendingthe hearing unless released by order of the court. If a continuance isgranted, the court, in its discretion, may order respondent released uponconditions described by the court pending the hearing. If no order hasbeen made within thirty days after the filing of the petition, notincluding extensions of time requested by the respondent and granted, therespondent shall be released.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724, A.L. 1996 S.B. 884 & 841)