632.010. Responsibilities, powers, functions and duties of division.
Responsibilities, powers, functions and duties of division.
632.010. 1. The "Division of Comprehensive PsychiatricServices" is hereby created within the department of mentalhealth. The division shall have the responsibility of insuringthat division prevention, evaluation, treatment andrehabilitation services are accessible, wherever possible. Thedivision shall have and exercise supervision of divisionresidential facilities, day programs and other specializedservices operated by the department and oversight overfacilities, programs and services funded or licensed by thedepartment.
2. The powers, functions and duties of the division shallinclude the following:
(1) Provision of funds for the planning and implementationof accessible programs to prevent and alleviate mental disordersand mental illness;
(2) Review of comprehensive psychiatric service planssubmitted to receive state and federal funds allocated by thedepartment;
(3) Provision of technical assistance and training tocommunity-based programs to assist in planning and implementingquality services;
(4) Assurance of program quality in compliance with suchappropriate standards as may be established by the department;
(5) Sponsorship and encouragement of research into thecauses, effects, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation ofmental disorders and mental illness;
(6) Provision of public information relating to mentaldisorders and mental illness;
(7) Cooperation with nonstate governmental agencies and theprivate sector in establishing, conducting, integrating andcoordinating facilities, programs, projects and services forpersons affected by mental disorders or mental illness;
(8) Participation in developing and implementing a statewideplan to prevent and alleviate mental disorders and mental illnessand to overcome the barriers to the treatment and rehabilitationof persons chronically affected by mental disorders or mentalillness;
(9) Encouragement of coordination of division services withother divisions of the department and other state agencies, whereappropriate;
(10) Encouragement of the utilization, support, assistanceand dedication of volunteers to participate in the treatment andrehabilitation of persons affected by mental disorders or mentalillness or to persuade such persons to voluntarily seekappropriate services to alleviate their disorders or illness;
(11) Evaluation, or the requirement of the evaluation,including the collection of appropriate and necessaryinformation, of division programs to determine theircost-and-benefit effectiveness;
(12) Participation in developing standards for residentialfacilities, day programs and specialized services operated,funded or licensed by the department for persons affected bymental disorders or mental illness.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724)