632.175. Review of patient's condition, by whom, when--release or placement--copy of review to be given.
Review of patient's condition, by whom, when--release orplacement--copy of review to be given.
632.175. 1. At least once every one hundred eighty days,the head of each mental health facility shall cause the conditionof each patient to be reviewed for the purpose of determiningwhether the patient needs further hospitalization or should bereleased. If, as a result of such review, it is determined thatinpatient care, treatment and rehabilitation are no longerappropriate, the head of the facility shall discharge, orinitiate proceedings to discharge, the patient. If a patientmeets the criteria for placement, the head of the facility shallrefer him for placement.
2. In making the review required by this section, the headof the facility shall satisfy himself that the patient isreceiving care, treatment or rehabilitation in the leastrestrictive environment available.
3. If the patient has a guardian, copies of this review andthe person's individualized treatment plan shall be sent to theguardian and the court.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724)