632.110. Minors to be accepted for evaluation, when, by whom--may then be admitted to mental health facility--parent or guardian to consent--peace officer may transport to facility, when.
Minors to be accepted for evaluation, when, by whom--may then beadmitted to mental health facility--parent or guardian toconsent--peace officer may transport to facility, when.
632.110. 1. The head of a private mental health facilitymay, and the head of a department mental health facility shall,except in the case of a medical emergency and subject to theavailability of suitable programs and accommodations, accept forevaluation, on an outpatient basis if practicable, any minor forwhom an application for voluntary admission is made by his parentor other legal custodian. The department may require that acommunity-based service where the minor resides perform theevaluation pursuant to an affiliation agreement or contract withthe department.
2. If the minor is diagnosed as having a mental disorder,other than mental retardation or developmental disability withoutanother accompanying mental disorder, and found suitable forinpatient treatment as a result of the evaluation, the minor maybe admitted by a private mental health facility or shall beadmitted by a department mental health facility, if suitableaccommodations are available, for care, treatment andrehabilitation as an inpatient for such periods and under suchconditions as authorized by law. The department may require thata community-based service where the patient resides admit theperson for inpatient care, treatment and rehabilitation pursuantto an affiliation agreement and contract with the department.
3. The parent or legal custodian who applied for theadmission of the minor shall have the right to authorize hisevaluation, care, treatment and rehabilitation and the right torefuse permission to medicate the minor; except that medicationmay be given in emergency situations.
4. The parent or legal custodian may request a peace officerto take a minor into custody and transport him to the mentalhealth facility for evaluation if the parent or legal custodianapplies for such evaluation under subsection 1 of this section.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724)