632.475. Sexual psychopaths committed before August 13, 1980, effect--application for release, hearing procedure--law officers to be given notice of probation or discharge.
Sexual psychopaths committed before August 13, 1980,effect--application for release, hearing procedure--law officersto be given notice of probation or discharge.
632.475. 1. Persons committed to the department as criminalsexual psychopaths under statutes in effect before August 13,1980, shall remain committed under those statutes, except asprovided in this section.
2. At any time after commitment, a written applicationsetting forth facts showing that the person committed as acriminal sexual psychopath has improved to the extent that hisrelease will not be incompatible to the welfare of society maybe filed with the committing court. The court shall issue anorder returning the person to the jurisdiction of the court for ahearing. This hearing shall in all respects be like the originalhearing under the statutes in effect before August 13, 1980, todetermine the mental condition of the defendant. Following thehearing, the court shall issue an order to cause the defendanteither to be placed on probation for a minimum period of threeyears, or to be returned to the department to continue hiscommitment; except that upon the expiration of the probationaryperiod and after further hearing by the court, the person may bedischarged. When the defendant is placed on probation ordischarged, notice of such action shall be given immediately tothe law enforcement authorities of the city and county ofresidence of the defendant, and the city and county where thedefendant is to be released.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724, A.L. 1982 S.B. 630)CROSS REFERENCE:
Conviction of offense, on release registration requirements and penalty for failure to comply (Megan's Law), RSMo 589.400 to 589.425