Renting (rights of tenant)
To find out your rights as a tenant please visit our site and click on our real estate section; when you arrive at /real-estate, please scroll to the right side of the page and under the blue tab labeled “rent” drop the menu to the article titled “tenants rights.”
When you rent a property you are awarded a number of rights. These rights must be uphold by your landlord or the party who owns the property. Before you sign a rental agreement understand that these rights will fluctuate based on state law. Acknowledging your specific tenants rights is essential to avoid mistreatment or to notify the landlord that he/she has breached the rental contract. If a breach occurs, if your rights as a rented have been infringed you may file a suit to recoup any associated losses or damages.
As a general law, your application to rent a dwelling cannot be rejected on your physical appearance. Applicants for rent shall not be discriminated against based on their color, race, religion, age, sex, family status, national origin, marital status, physical or mental disability.
A renter also has the right to secure a rental property that is fit to be inhabited. All rental properties must be free from unsafe conditions, including loose plaster, lead based paint faulty wiring, infestations and holes in the floor.
In regards to evictions, the protecting tenants at foreclosure act of 2009 provides that those individuals who maintain a property that has been forecloses upon is entitled to 90 days notice before a forceful move-out is initiated.
Before you sign a rental agreement be sure to go over the contract. You can view a stock rental agreement by clicking on the “legal forms” tab located at the top right portion of the our site homepage. When you are scroll to the real estate section and click on the “lease purchase agreement” link.
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