The Real Facts on Election Polls
What is an Election Poll?
• A poll is a fundamental aspect of voting. Polls are the physical evaluations of an election and the actual booths in which an individual casts his or her ballot.
• ‘Voting’ is regarded as a method for a group of citizens or individuals to elect a public official. The vote is administered in a poll; where the final decision or opinion is expressed.
• A polling place or polling station is the physical location in which voters cast their ballots during election periods. Since elections take place over multiple days, the polls are often located in facilities used for an assortment of purposes; typically an election poll is found in a school, local government office, or sports hall.
• Additionally, as a result of the number of elections (both on the local and federal level) an election poll is typically found in multiple locations in a given jurisdiction. In most instances the facility that houses the electoral booths will be open between specified hours; the hours of operation are dependent on the type of election and political activity by or on behalf of those standing the ballot.
• Inside the polling venue will be an area or terminal used to cast the ballot. Although these areas are typically referred to as polls, they also are designated and known as ‘voting booths.’ In these designated areas, the voter will select the candidate or party of their choice. All polls are cast in secret by either an electronic selection or paper ballot.
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