Lindsey Graham
A Brief Biography of Lindsey Graham: South Carolina’s Senator
Lindsey Graham is a current Republican Senator who represents South Carolina. Graham was born in South Carolina where he graduated from D.W. Daniel High School and then continued to the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. Because of the death of both his parents, he transferred to the University of South Carolina where he obtained his undergraduate degree in psychology.
After completing his undergraduate studies, Lindsey Graham continued his education and received his juris doctorate from the University Of South Carolina School Of Law. After graduation he worked as a military prosecutor overseas until he returned the United States, and started to work as a lawyer in a private practice.
After leaving his practice Lindsey Graham later decided to join the U.S. Air force, where he served for six years, until 1988. He left the Air force but then joined the U.S. Air Force Reserve as well as the South Carolina Air National guard. During the Gulf War he acted as the Judge Advocate in Eastover at McEntire Air National Guard Station. He then received a promotion where he was made a Colonel by the Reserve. He served as a reservist on active duty in Iraq in 2007 as well as in Afghanistan in 2009.
In 1994 Lindsey Graham ran for political office and was elected to the United States House of Representatives, where he served as the Third Congressional District of South Carolina’s first Republican representative since 1877. He served one term as a representative.
In 2002 he was elected into the Senate, and then reelected in 2008. In the Senate, Lindsey Graham serves on the many of the chamber’s important committees. These include
• Appropriations: the committee that oversees expenditures made by the Federal Treasury
• Armed Services: the committee responsible and involved in many areas of national defense
• Budget: the committee that establishes blueprints for total government spending and revenue
• Judiciary: the committee that covers a variety of issues such as the Constitution to intellectual law as well as criminal justice
Lindsey Graham is also considered one of the largest proponents of having a strong national defense and considered a loyal friend and supporter all military personnel. Lindsey Graham has not only showed strong support for the War on Terror, but he has also often visited many of the Iraq and Afghanistan War zones for different on the ground assessments. Lindsey Graham has continued to be a powerful advocate for many foreign issues, but he has also shown the same level of support for reforming entitlements and balancing the federal budget. He has been called a ‘Taxpayer hero’ who places the taxpayer as a higher priority in hopes of reducing the tax burden by a very well-known national conservative organization.
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