Marriage Certificate Arkansas
Guide to Marriage Certificates in Arkansas
Marriage Certificates in Arkansas
In order to validate a marriage certificate in Arkansas, two prospective spouses must follow a number of steps and make sure the marriage is valid under law. This article will discuss steps two people should take to finalize their marriage certificate in Arkansas after obtaining a marriage license, but qualifying factors to legally marry need explained first.
Marriage Requirements in Arkansas
In order to receive marriage certificates in Arkansas, two future spouses cannot try to enter into a marriage that would be later annulled or void. A marriage certificate in Arkansas cannot be issued in any circumstances if the marriage would contain any of the following characteristics:
• One or both of the parties were too young to legally marry within the state (under the age of 16)
• One or both of the parties were unable to mentally understand the consent of the marriage and the consequences involved
• One or both of the parties were incapable of entering to the marriage within the state because of physical causes
• The consent to marry was obtained through fraud
• Either party forced the other party to enter into marriage
• The relationship is incestuous according to section to 9-11-106
• The marriage was declared as legal in another state between a same-gender couple
Step 2 Solemnization Requirements for Marriage Certificates in Arkansas
If couples have qualified for a marriage certificate in Arkansas, they will receive a copy of the marriage license along with a blank return for the person who has solemnized the marriage. In order for a couple to legally receive a marriage certificate in Arkansas, the marriage must be solemnized according to section 9-11-213.
The code provides that only the following qualified individuals can solemnize a marriage and validate a marriage certificate in Arkansas:
• The Governor
• Any former justice of the Supreme Court
• Any judges of the courts of record within this state, including any former judge of a court of record who served at least 4 years or more
• Any justice of the peace, including any former justice who served at least 2 terms
• The mayor of any city or town
• Any official appointed for the purpose of solemnizing marriage in the county
• Any elected district court judge who served at least 4 years
• Any leader of an established and recognized religious body
If marriage certificates in Arkansas are not signed by qualified individuals, the parties and the officiator can receive strict penalties in AR.
Step 3 Return Signed Marriage Certificates in Arkansas to the Circuit Clerk
Marriage certificates in Arkansas must be signed by the person who legally solemnized the marriage and returned to the circuit clerk as soon as possible. After the clerk has received the validated and complete marriage certificate in Arkansas, they and the circuit court will be the full custodian of records relating to the marriage between the two parties.
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