Marriage Certificate Alaska

Marriage Certificate Alaska


Frequently Asked Questions about Getting a Marriage Certificate in Alaska


What is a marriage certificate in Alaska?


A marriage certificate in Alaska records that a marriage has taken place. It must be distinguished from a marriage license, which allows a couple to be married. Sometimes, a marriage license and a marriage certificate in Alaska are the same document, and the only difference is that the license has been appropriately signed after the wedding has taken place. In other districts, an individual will submit their signed marriage license to the authorities and receive in the mail their marriage certificate, which is an entirely separate document.


Why do I need a marriage certificate in Alaska?


There are many reasons that individuals should have a copy of their marriage certificate. The most important is that you’ll need it if you hope to change your name in the aftermath of your marriage. The DMV, IRS and Social Security Administration will request a copy of the marriage certificate if you get a name change, as will your insurance company, banking institutions and retirement planner. Name changes on credit cards and passports may also require a marriage certificate in Alaska.


How do I get a copy of my marriage certificate in Alaska?


1. Properly fill out the Marriage Certificate Alaska Request Form, which asks for simple identification information to make sure that it is either the bride or the groom who is requesting the certificate. There is a section of the form asking for payment information. If you want just a regular copy of your marriage certificate, the cost is $25 for the first and $20 for the second. If you want an illustrated heirloom copy, then you’ll be charged $50 for the first copy and $45 for the second..


2. Make a copy of a government-issued photo identification card. Examples of acceptable I.D.s include unexpired passports from the U.S. or any other country’s government, a U.S. military I.D. or corresponding dependent or veteran’s I.D., a B.I.A. or tribal identification card, or a driver’s licensed issued by Alaska or any other U.S. state. Note that driver’s licenses can be expired, unlike passports, although they cannot be expired for more than one year.


3. Get the Marriage Certificate Request Form and the I.D. copy to the nearest branch of the Bureau of Vital Statistics. You can do this in person, with offices available in Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau, or by phone or mail. The number by fax is (907)465-3618.


4. You’ll receive a copy of the marriage certificate by mail. The processing time is two to three weeks for a regular marriage certificate in Alaska and four to six weeks for an heirloom certificate. If you’d like to expedite the process and receive your certificate in as little as three working days after submitting the request form, you can fax the form and pay an additional $11 fee.

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