Copy of Marriage License Washington
What is a Marriage License?
In the United States, a marriage license is a document issued by a state authority or church, allowing for a couple to marry in a specific jurisdiction. Before a couple can officially wed, they must attain a marriage license from a county office. Each jurisdiction in the county institutes different processes and requirements for the attainment of a marriage license. To understand your locality’s rules, you must visit—or contact—your county court’s website.
The procedure for attaining marriage licenses varies between counties and perpetually fluctuates with ever-changing laws. Marriage licenses are required in some jurisdictions and may serve as the official record of marriage itself, if—and only if—the document is signed by the couple and witnessed by a certain amount of people over the age of 18.
The need for a marriage license varies based on jurisdiction; in some areas a marriage license is not required, while in others a “pardon” is required. For those jurisdictions that do not require a marriage license, marriage by cohabitation and common-law marriages are recognized—these forms of marriage do not require a license.
Copy of Marriage License Washington:
Copies of marriage licenses Washington are applied for at the county level, typically through the county auditor’s office. You can apply for a copy of marriage license Washington either online or by telephone. If your Washington County is not listed below, you should contact your county auditor directly for more information. Email and phone options for county auditors may be located on the Washington Association of County Officials website. As stated above, the process for securing a copy of a marriage license Washington will vary based on county. The majority of copies of marriage licenses Washington can be attained via the auditor’s office; however, some county’s require registration be done through the Recorder’s office. Below, we will provide the links to all the necessary county sites for procuring a copy of marriage license Washington. In addition, we will offer the step by step process for securing a copy of marriage license Washington for King County.
Step by Step Guide to Securing a Copy of Marriage License Washington (King County):
In King County, securing a copy of marriage license Washington is a function of the King County Recorder’s Office. This office can be located at: for a Copy of Marriage License Washington (King County) By Mail:
• The first step to applying for a copy of marriage license Washington (King County) by mail is to download the King County Marriage License Application
• Both party’s affidavits must be finished (using full, current, legal names), signed and notarized. The original documents must be sent to the King County Marriage Licensing Office.
• Send a notarized and completed application, along with the $64 cashier’s check or money order payable to the King County Marriage License Office. Cash or personal checks will not be accepted. You must mail these documents—and the fee—to the Downtown licensing office, located at:
King County Marriage License
King County Administration Building
500 - 4th Avenue, Room 311
Seattle, WA 98104
Applying for a Copy of Marriage License Washington (King County) in Person:
• Both parties must go to any location (Bothell, Covington, Downtown Seattle, Kent, Renton, Sammamish, Vashon Island, Redmond/Woodinville) with a photo ID and pay the $64 fee (cash only at the downtown Seattle location) and complete the application. The copy of marriage license Washington (King County) is issued at this time but does not validate until the three-day waiting period expires
• You will not need any witnesses, birth certificates, blood tests or divorce papers to apply for a copy of marriage license Washington (King County)
• King county marriage licenses may be attained at eight locations throughout the county.
Fees Associated with Copies of Marriage Licenses Washington (King County):
A copy of marriage license Washington fee is $64.00. The above fees are established and authorized by the State Legislature and distributed as follows:
Fees Associated in King County:
• Copy of Marriage License WA in King County: $8.00 General Fund
• Copy of Marriage License WA in King County: $8.00 Family Court
• Copy of Marriage License WA in King County: $4.00 Records Preservation Fund
• Copy of Marriage License WA in King County: $2.00 County Council
• Copy of Marriage License WA in King County: $15.00 Family Services
Fees Associated with a copy of Marriage License Washington:
• Copy of Marriage License WA: $10.00 Displaced Homemaker Program
• Copy of Marriage License WA: $5.00 Child Abuse Program
• Copy of Marriage License WA: $4.00 Centennial Records Preservation Program
• Copy of Marriage License WA: $4.00 State Archives
• Copy of Marriage License WA: $4.00 Washington State Heritage Center
Who can apply for a Copy of Marriage License Washington?
• Copy of Marriage License WA: Any unmarried male and any unmarried female
• Copy of Marriage License WA: Both parties are required to be at least 18 years old or can meet the age requirements instituted by the state
• Copy of Marriage License WA: The parties are not next of kin whole or half blood. Second cousins is the closes family members that can legally marry in Washington
• A marriage between two individuals that is valid in another county in the state of Washington
Age Requirements for a Copy of Marriage License Washington (King County):
The Minimum age for securing a copy of Marriage License Washington (King County) is 18 years old.
A 17-year-old applicant can apply for a copy of marriage license Washington (King County) if one of the following conditions is met:
• A parent—or the legal guardian—must submit a notarized statement of consent (the forms must be obtained at any of the county’s marriage license locations) or
• The applicant—who is formally emancipated—takes the court certified copy of the emancipation document with them to apply for the copy of marriage license Washington (King County)For Parties under the Age of 17:
• Parties under the age of 17 may apply only when the age requirement is terminated by a superior court judge of the county where one of the parties resides. Each party to the marriage, who is under the age of 17, may present a waiver specifically naming them
• Residents of King County Washington must call the King County Superior Court
Residency and Citizenship Requirements for a Copy of Marriage License Washington:
• Residency and Citizenship Requirements for Copy of Marriage License WA: Applicants for copies of marriage licenses Washington do not have to reside in the state of Washington
• Residency and Citizenship Requirements for Copy of Marriage License WA:Applicants for copies of marriage licenses Washington may be purchased from any county in the state of Washington: applicants are not required to apply for their copy of marriage license Washington in the county where they live; applicants also are not required to apply for their marriage license in the county where the wedding will take place
• Residency and Citizenship Requirements for Copy of Marriage License WA:Copies of marriage licenses Washington are not allowed to be used to get married in other states or countries
• Residency and Citizenship Requirements for Copy of Marriage License WA:Applicants are not required to show a valid United States Social Security number to obtain a copy of marriage license Washington. However, one of the copies of marriage license Washington requires the inclusion of one party’s social security number or the applicant’s signature on a declaration that they do not possess a social security number.
General Information Associated with Securing a Copy of Marriage License Washington (King County):
• A copy of marriage license Washington is valid only in the state of Washington
• The application for securing a copy of marriage license Washington is $64.00. You can pay the King County Recorder’s Office via money orders, cash or a cashier’s check
• The King County Recorder’s Office institutes a 3-day waiting period before the marriage can take place
• A King County marriage license is valid for 60 days—once you obtain the marriage license you have 60 days to marry. After this time limit passes, you must re-apply for a copy of your marriage license
• The King County Recorder’s Office does not require a physical exam and/or blood test
• A mailed application may be notarized and returned for processing; however, the original application must be submitted to the King County Recorder’s Office. The fee for the copy of marriage license Washington must be included in the application.
To Secure a Copy of Marriage License Washington in Other Counties Please Visit These Sites:
Copy of Marriage License WA:Adams County
Copy of Marriage License WA: Asotin County
Copy of Marriage License WA: Benton County
Copy of Marriage License WA: Chelan County
Copy of Marriage License WA: Clallam County
Copy of Marriage License WA: Clark County
Copy of Marriage License WA: Columbia County
Copy of Marriage License WA: Cowlitz County
Douglas County
Ferry County
Franklin County
Garfield County
Grant County
Grays Harbor County
Island County
Jefferson County
Kitsap County
Kittitas County
Lewis County
Lincoln County
Mason County
Okanogan County
Pacific County
Pend Oreille County
Pierce County
San Juan County
Skagit County
Skamania County
Snohomish County
Spokane County
Stevens County
Thurston County
Wahkiakum County
Walla Walla County
Whatcom County
Whitman County
Yakima County
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