Marriage Certificate Mississippi
Marriage Certificates in Mississippi
Marriage Certificates in Mississippi
In order to validate a marriage certificate in Mississippi, two prospective spouses must follow a number of steps and make sure the marriage is valid under law. This article will discuss steps two people should take to finalize their marriage certificate in Mississippi after obtaining a marriage license, but qualifying factors to legally marry need explained beforehand.
Marriage Requirements in Mississippi
In order to receive marriage certificates in Mississippi, two future spouses cannot meet any of the categories listed below:
1. incurable impotency
2. adjudicated mental illness or incompetence of either or both parties (a guardian or friend may file suit within six months after marriage in such a case)
3. when either party is incapable of consenting to any marriage because of incapacity or age
4. the marriage was formed with force or fraud
5. pregnancy of the wife by another person if the husband did not know of the pregnancy
6. a son cannot marry his grandmother, mother, stepmother, his legally adopted daughter, or his granddaughter, as well as a first cousin by blood
7. a father cannot marry his son’s widow, his wife’s daughter, his granddaughter, his daughter-in-law, or his niece (all of these conditions apply for females in the same degrees)
8. between the same gender
9. either party is under the age of 17 unless approved by each of the parties’ parents or legal guardians
Step 2 Solemnization Requirements for Marriage Certificates in Mississippi
If couples have qualified for a marriage certificate in Mississippi, they will receive a copy of the marriage license along with a blank return for the person who has solemnized the marriage. In order for a couple to legally receive a marriage certificate in Mississippi , the marriage must be solemnized according to Code 93-1-17 By whom marriages may be solemnized.
The code provides that only the following qualified individuals can solemnize a marriage and validate a marriage certificate in Mississippi:
• any minister of the gospel ordained according to the rules of the church or society
• any Rabbi or other spiritual leader or any other religious body
• judge of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, circuit court, chancery court or county court
• a mayor prior to March 14, 1994 unless invalidated by a local jurisdiction
Step 3 Return Signed Marriage Certificates in Mississippi to the Circuit Clerk
Marriage certificates in Mississippi must be signed by the person who legally solemnized the marriage and returned to the circuit clerk as soon as possible. After the clerk has received the validated and complete marriage certificate in Mississippi, they and the circuit court will be the full custodian of records relating to the marriage.
According to section 93-1-23, the clerk of the circuit court in each county “shall be the legal custodian of the records and papers relating to marriage licenses and certificates of marriage formerly kept by the clerk of the probate court.” Marriage certificates in Mississippi and marriage license copies can be obtained from the circuit clerk.
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