What is Twitter and How does it Work
How does Twitter Work?
Twitter is a social networking website that allows users to connect to people with similar interests, share information, and stay updated on events happening around the world. According to updated statistics on Twitter’s website, there are over 340,000,000 tweets every single day, and there are over 140,000,000 active users.
What is Twitter: Glossary
In order to stay updated on Twitter lingo, you’ll want to know the following terms:
What is Twitter: Mention?
A mention occurs when you mention another person in one of your tweets (or messages). For example, if a firm is responding to a customer, they might write a mention that would appear like this:
We’re happy to have helped you @janedoe!
What is Twitter: Retweet?
This feature on Twitter allows you to view a tweet by another person and then repost the tweet and forward the tweet to other people.
What is Twitter: Message?
If you don’t want a tweet to appear publicly, you can send a message to a person who is already following you. You can type DM or D in front of your message like this:
DM@janedoe have the documents you need?
What is Twitter: Hashtag?
People will often use a hastag (#) to showcase a theme for the message that may connect to other tweets on Twitter. Followers can click on the hashtag and search for similar tweets.
How does Twitter work for a business?
Businesses and firms are encouraged to use Twitter because they have access to a huge amount of the public domain. Firms can explain their products and services, promote incentives, and connect with consumers immediately. Not only is Twitter a way to understand the market but a way to gain an edge over competitors as well.
How does Twitter Work: Widgets?
A widget allows an attorney or firm to display updates on a website or another social network. Different types of widgets are explained below:
How does Twitter work: Profile Widget?
This widget allows you to post your most recent tweets on any of your pages on your legal website.
How does Twitter work: Search Widget?
This widget allows you to display search results in real time. This type of widget is the best for live events like symposiums, conferences, news broadcasting, and more.
How does Twitter work: Faves Widget?
This widget on Twitter allows you show to show your favorite tweets in real time on your website by automatically posting tweets you star as favorites.
How does Twitter work: List Widget?
This widget allows you to place your favorite tweets (those who you’re following) into a category and post the list on your webpage.
What is Twitter: Additional Tools for Advertising
In order to advertise your services on Twitter, you’ll have to fill out information about your services, your monthly budget for advertising, personal information, and additional comments if needed. There are multiple features that can help a legal advertising campaign on Twitter:
What is Twitter: Promoted Accounts?
A promoted account lets a firm expand their presence on the internet by encouraging clients to start following you and your services. If you sign up for a promoted account, you’ll be listed in the “Who to Follow” section which allows users to find similar accounts and find similar businesses. If a user has similar interests, you’ll show up in their section.
What is Twitter: Promoted Tweets?
Firms have several options for promoted tweets. The tweets can be used in search options, timelines, and mobile campaigns. Each type is listed below:
How does Twitter work: Promoted Tweets in Searches?
Your promoted page will appear in search results if the person is searching for services that relate to your firm.
How does Twitter work: Promoted Tweets in Timelines?
If someone is following your page, your promoted tweets can appear within or near the top of their timeline when they refresh a page or log in.
How does Twitter work: Targeting specific platforms?
This feature on Twitter allows the firm to target certain devices like iOS, Android, BlackBerry and more. If a mobile user is likely to use the services provided by the firm, the promoted tweet will appear at or near the top of their timeline.
What is Twitter: Improving your Profile Page for Advertising Awareness
If you want to enhance your profile page on Twitter, you can add a logo, image, tagline, or any other similar image in an 835x90 header across your page. Twitter recommends using the enhanced profile for the following reasons:
· to create a visually appealing experience for all viewers of your website
· featuring your newest content and services
· centering traffic to the most recent advertising campaign, news, or launch of new services
What is Twitter: Advertiser Analytics
Twitter offers a large amount of tools to analyze the results of your Twitter account. Some of the analytics tools are described below:
How does Twitter work: Tweets, Trends and Accounts Dashboards
These three fundamental dashboards provide statistics on impressions, retweets, clicks, replies, and more.
How does Twitter work: Timeline Activity Dashboard
This dashboard allows you to determine how every tweet is performing based on mentions, follows, reach, and much more.
How does Twitter work: Followers Dashboard
This dashboard allows you to see how you’ve gained followers and provides information on interests, geographical locations, gender, and much more.
How does Twitter work: Websites Dashboard
This dashboard allows you to analyze how your Twitter account has driven traffic to your other websites.
What is Twitter: Conclusion
Twitter is a social networking tool that every firm should fully embrace in order to reach across different demographics in virtually no time at all. Twitter can simply keep your followers updated, or you can launch a full advertising campaign on Twitter as well.
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