SEO Marketing Blog
Everything About SEO Marketing Blog
Over eighty percent of United States residents now have internet connections. That's an incredible number, and one your firm can't afford to ignore. Having a great web presence requires more than just a pieced-together firm website or a LinkedIn profile.
People only go to page 2 of their search results five percent of the time. This means you need search engine optimization to make sure you appear early in results. Putting together a search engine optimization marketing blog can take your internet reputation to the next level—over half of lawyers with blogs report that they've gotten new business or even speaking engagement invitations due to their blog posts.
Writing For Two Audiences
When you start work on a search engine optimization marketing blog, you're actually writing for two different audiences: one human, and one computer.
The first audience is your chosen internet audience, the people who will actually read your blog. You have some choices in which your search engine optimization marketing blog readers will be.
If you orient the topics of your SEO marketing blog articles toward professional conferences and the specifics of case law, you'll be more likely to draw in attorneys like you, who can then give you referrals for clients when they need a lawyer with your training or in your geographic area. You can keep your posts simpler and about ways people interact with the law if you want to market your search engine optimization marketing blog primarily to consumers.
Your second audience is a computer audience. Every time Google or any other search engine indexes your SEO marketing blog, it's looking to see what words are in your content and how relevant it is for a particular query. In addition to checking keyword counts, search engines check inbound and outbound links. This “audience” for your search engine optimization marketing blog will decide which page of search results your site will appear in.
The Key to a Successful SEO Marketing Blog: Balance
If you want for your search engine optimization marketing blog to appear early in searches and get conversions from your blog entries, you'll need to balance your two audiences. Talking too much to your human audience, without any concern for your computer audience, will lead to your pages being low ranked.
Given people's searching habits (less than 1 percent of people ever get to page 3), this is the death knell for a blog. Because of this, you'll want to make sure you have a search engine optimization marketing blog that pays close attention to the computer audience.
However, if you pay too much attention to the AI monitoring your SEO marketing blog, you may not be able to get the kind of attention you want from your human audience. A search engine optimization marketing blog that appears to be spam, full of links to the same keywords and excessive use of unnatural keywords, won't get you the kind of traffic you want.
Balance is absolutely critical. You need to maintain some keyword density on your search engine optimization marketing blog, but not so much that people turn away from your content. You should also do things with your SEO marketing blog that cater to both of your audiences, like making sure to thoroughly tag posts and add clear, descriptive headlines and descriptions for your posts.
Integrating Social Media With Your SEO Marketing Blog
It used to be that keywords were the end-all be-all of a search engine optimization marketing blog. Today, though, that's no longer the case. In order to root out keyword spam blogs, search engines tend to rank pages higher that have more inbound links. There are a few ways to get those links—include your SEO marketing blog in several law blog directories, for instance—but the biggest up and coming way is to use social media.
Social media allows other people to quickly link to your content, giving you a leg up on the competition if you're using it effectively. Those same eye catching headlines that already work well to bring in traffic to your search engine optimization marketing blog can also bring people in from Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
When people see a great blog post from your SEO marketing blog on a social media site, they won't just read it, they'll share it with others. This can extend your firm's reach significantly beyond what it had been before, so make sure that your articles are sharing friendly.
Ideally, you want to make every blog post so interesting that at least a few of your readers will want to pass it on. This kind of blogging won't cost any more than any other kind of blogging, and can be an incredibly cost-effective way to improve your visibility regionally and nationally.
Share the Love—Link Other Bloggers in Your SEO Marketing Blog
Not everyone likes sharing the credit. If you use someone else's quotes or had an idea as a result of a blog post you saw elsewhere, though, you should make sure that you link back to that person. Sure, it's not college or law school any more—there's no plagiarism penalty if you don't cite your sources properly—but linking back to other people can actually have advantageous effects on your blog.
First of all, making sure that not every link on your blog goes to your own content looks great to your computer audience, and makes your SEO marketing blog seem much less spammy. It's also very common for blogs to keep track of other people linking to their blog, and those bloggers may, in return, give you a link.
The biggest reason to share the credit, though, has to do with your human audience. You want your firm to build a reputation of honesty while increasing your networking opportunities. Lawyers who could have become good professional connections will be less likely to work with you or recommend you to clients if you tend to take quotes without attribution or otherwise use the work of others without at least a quick link back.
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