Get Quality Backlinks
Now that Google really monitors the quality of your backlinks, you need to get quality backlinks that will catapult you to the top of the rankings. If you don't be one of the fifteen percent of websites that has been affected by Google Penguin and Panda, you'll need to learn about how to get quality backlinks sooner rather than later. If you've already been affected by these updates, it's even more important to get quality backlinks and eliminate the low quality links that made your site get flagged. Here are seven different types of quality backlinks, and how to get each type easily and quickly.
How to Get Quality Backlinks: The Elusive .Edu Backlink
One of the hardest types of backlinks to get is the .edu backlink. Because it's a sign that you know how to get quality backlinks when you have .edu links, these links actually are considered to be higher quality than their PageRanks indicate. The amount of “link juice” that you obtain when you get quality backlinks on a .edu website will be equivalent to the link juice you'd get from a .com or .org site with a PageRank score one or two points higher.
Now you want to know how to get quality backlinks on these websites. It's actually relatively easy for attorneys to do, even though other types of business professionals can have problems when trying to get quality backlinks on a .edu domain. Why? Because law schools are almost always at .edu domains, and in today's legal hiring climate law students are eager to hear from real attorneys who are making it in the real world.
To get quality backlinks from a law school's website, usually all you'll need to do is find the student forums or ask if you can give some kind of talk about your area of practice. You'll be helping law students decide what to do after school is over, and you'll have learned a great method to get quality backlinks fast.
How to Get Quality Backlinks: The Contextual Blog Backlink
Most of the time, law blogs are about some specific area of the law, not just about law in general. If you are a blogger, odds are that you know some other blogs operating in the same fields yours is. That's a great opportunity to get quality backlinks. Consider asking for a guest blog opportunity to help yourself get backlinks—and you may want to offer similar guest blogger opportunities to people on your own blog.
In much the same way as how to get quality backlinks from a .edu website, you can also seek out backlinks from law student blogs. Many of these students are eager to interview real attorneys about what they do from day to day. You can easily get quality backlinks from this kind of interview or profile piece.
How to Get Quality Backlinks: The Directory Entry Backlink
Another way to get quality backlinks is to get your law firm listed in relevant, high quality directories. Not all directories are quality resources, but a large number of them are. From Google+ Local (which is one of the biggest generators of local search results) to the local directories created by your chamber of commerce or even your city or county government, directory listings are one of the easiest methods to get quality backlinks quickly.
Another advantage of learning how to get quality backlinks with directory listings is that these are often indexed very quickly by search engines. This means that when you get quality backlinks with, for example, the Google+ Local profile you fill out, the content of that profile will be indexed by Google right away and you'll get the link juice from the backlink immediately.
How to Get Quality Backlinks: The Social Network Backlink
Social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are fantastic for any attorney who wants to get quality backlinks. Social network backlinks can come either from you, or from people making comments relating to your website. In order to get quality backlinks from other people, you may want to create new content like infographics or how-to guides that will be interesting to a wide swath of people online—interesting enough that they'll want to share with friends.
You can also get quality backlinks using social networking sites just on your main profile page. However, in order for these links to count, you'll also need to make sure that your profile is public. All of the content that you post on Facebook and other social networking websites should ideally be public in order to get quality backlinks as frequently as possible. Because most of these sites have very high PageRank scores, it's important to get these links right away so you don't end up getting overshadowed by competitors who know how to get quality backlinks with social networks.
How to Get Quality Backlinks: The News Coverage Backlink
Public relations can often overlap with getting quality backlinks. If you're putting out press releases, make sure that they're not just going to generic “press release” websites like PRWeb. You should try to cultivate real working relationships with members of the media in your area so that you can more easily publicize your firm's victories. Keep in mind that it's always easier to have the media cover your firm if you already have an angle in mind that will be of interest to news readers or viewers.
News coverage generally comes from websites with a relatively high PageRank, which means that these links are much more valuable than getting backlinks from most blogs or other types of websites. Also, when you get a link through news coverage, you'll be more likely to get clients as a direct result of that link. Don't think that it's impossible to get this kind of coverage. Even if daily newspapers won't run your story in the actual paper, they may put it on a newspaper blog. You can also ask weekly community newspapers, which tend to be easier to get press coverage in, whether they would be interested in doing a story about your firm.
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