A Full Overview of Gun Control
The gun control debate has been a political presence that can be traced back all the way to the formation of the National Rifle Association. When the NRA was first brought about, their focus was to train Union soldiers in the ways of marksmanship and instill better rifle skills.
It can be argued that the first confrontation regarding gun control was when the state of New York began to oppose having the NRA practice grounds in the state. This opposition was ironically met with little opposition from the NRA, they simply moved and created new practice facilities in New Jersey. Gun control has been an issue that has been vehemently battled on both sides of the argument, those supporting gun control and those supporting gun rights.
As it stands today, there are many gun control laws and regulations in place and those who are pro guns are constantly battling to have less of these laws in place, and further repeal any motion to implement new ones. The subject of gun control and its actual effects are clouded at best, and the heated debate continues today which can only be described as stagnant stalemate.
Reform Movements
Gun control reform movements have been a presence ever since the idea of restricting firearms and the various aspects regarding ownership, possession, carrying, etc. Though the various factions supporting the concept of gun control have changed as time passes by, the initial ideal is still the driving force behind their actions opposing the liberal ownership of guns. The important aspect of gun control movements is that they have in fact worked in terms of putting into legislation rules and regulations regarding firearms.
Their reform efforts are very much evident today with the various and often complex state and federal laws regulating firearms in a variety of ways. Those opposing gun control, such as the National Rifle Association, are constantly trying to topple many of the laws already in place, and fight against any new legislation that they deem in violation of their Second Amendment rights. Regardless, gun reform movements are ever-present in today's world as they attempt to curb crime rates through more stringent restrictions on firearms.
Inclusion into Law
Its undeniable that gun control has most definitely made a lasting impact when it is in the perspective of law and legislation. Gun laws exist at the federal, state, and local levels, each implementing a particular and distinct set of laws regarding certain rules and regulations on the possession, carrying, and purchasing of firearms.
To this day, state gun laws seem to be the most extensive, and at often times, confusing of the laws, and their presence can be felt by all involved in the firearm or gun community. Pro gun control activists attempt exhaustively to enact the regulation of firearms in to law constantly, and are just as regularly clashing heads with individuals, factions, and organizations that support the right to bear arms and the Second Amendment.
However, at the very least, gun control regulations are in place and are to be obeyed under the law, giving pro gun control advocates the undeniable fact that their efforts are not in vain. Regardless of the political stance regarding gun control, it is important to realize that the issue is one that is as old as the inception of the country itself, and will continue to be an ever-present issue of dispute for years to come.
Effect on Crime and Murder
Advocates supporting gun control implementations in to legislature will often try to correlate how the availability of firearms and guns is fueling crime, particularly those of a violent nature. Regardless of their claims, it is important to realize that the effect on crime and murder that firearms may have are inconclusive.
The statistics needed to empirically and definitively show a correlation that firearms may have with violent crimes have not been able to prove what the overall effect is, whether it supports gun control advocates theories or not.
The fact is, measuring the impact is very difficult and complex given the architecture of gun law being implemented on varying degrees by different governmental levels. However, the statistics of crime and the implementation of stricter gun laws do exist, and they exist supporting both sides of the gun control debate. Certain numbers will indeed show how gun regulations and laws decrease crime rates, while other will show how the restrictions seem to lend for a rise in crime statistics.
The focus on the impact gun laws have on violent crimes is further under the microscope because of the recent rise of violent crimes and children. The alarming rates at which violent crimes are occurring with the use of handguns at this age group is pushing factions from both sides of the gun debate to reach some type of solution. Regardless of the measures to be taken, it still remains unclear if further restrictions on firearms or less regulations will effectively help reduce crime and murder rates.
Arguments For and Against
The controversy behind the issue of gun control will often stem directly from the each sides arguments. The arguments for and against gun control are many and can be extremely extensive in providing for key and valid point, often offering statistics and facts provided by studies and research to further support their cause.
Gun control has become an aspect of the political world that is constantly changing according to how gun rights activists and gun control supporters argue and provide for sufficient reasoning for their cause.
Among the various arguments, the ones that are constantly at the forefront involve the Second Amendment of the Constitution, and the aspect of gun violence, and how the availability of firearms may or may not affect the actual crime rates in the United States. The interpretation of the Second Amendment is often found to be clashing among both gun control factions, and is one the most central and key arguments behind the controversy of the issue.
The question of civil rights is at the core of the surrounding debate on this issue, and is proven one of the most difficult to understand and evaluate. The issue of gun violence has also been confronted more in depth in recent times, due to tragedies such as the Columbine High School and Virginia Tech shootings. The issue of gun violence, specifically in the ages between 14 and 24, has become a growing concern for the Unites States government as well as its people and society.
The question whether the rise of violent crimes is directly related to firearm availability is one that has many answers, and can not determinately be answered in any conclusive way. Gun rights activist and Gun control advocates will continue to fuel the gun control debate until one side of the argument can be distinctly obvious as the appropriate action to take in regards to firearms.
Legislative Priorities
Gun control advocates make it obviously clear that the intention to control the firearms in the United States in their main priority. In order to do so, anti gun supporters must lobby at the various governmental levels--including federal, state, and local--in order to enact their philosophies and ideals regarding guns and firearms in to actual written law.
The legislative priority behind gun control is simply to enact certain policies and regulations that restrict firearms with the overall purpose of reducing crime rates in the United States. Certain studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between the availability of firearms and crime rates, specifically crimes involving violence and firearms.
Though some of the findings can not be absolutely substantiated, firearm regulations have proven to be effective in some cases. With the continued support of gun control enthusiasts and their labored attempts to turn politicians and the government on to their cause, gun control policies will continue to be considered as long as they adhere to the Second Amendment statutes and do not infringe upon civil liberties.
If crime rates continue to support that firearm laws and regulations have validity in curbing crime, then support for gun control policy will continue grow and gain further support from the government and the masses alike.
Examples of Gun Control in American Cities
Cities throughout the United States with problems regarding crimes of a violent nature will try to implement what ever means necessary in order to contain the rising numbers and death tolls, and try reduce those rates by using and enforcing stricter laws.
Gun control is often one of the first methods considered by cities and large urban areas as way to help stop crime. Two cities that have applied gun control in the United States at more strict levels than federal and state statutes are Los Angeles and Washington D.C. Los Angeles has been well known and documented as having a problem with gang and gun violence for the past several decades, and D.C. has been notorious for being one of the cities with the most homicides and murders since the late 1980's.
By enforcing stricter firearm laws and regulations, these cities hope to remove and stop guns from landing the hands of criminals and those deemed ineligible to own or possess firearms. Though the correlation between the effectiveness of gun control and violent and gun crime rates is still subject to speculation, it is hard to dismiss that crime rates have lowered since the institution of strict gun laws.
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