Wage Overview
Wages Background
Wages are the funds that an individual is provided with for the work that he/she completes. Wage earnings are an important feature of labor law in the United States. In order for an individual to protect his/her rights, it is important that he/she understand some fundamental information about wages, minimum wage, and wage garnishments.
Minimum Wage
Minimum wage refers to the minimum compensation that an individual can be provided with for the work that he/she performs. Minimum wages vary greatly from one country to another. In the United States, minimum wage laws and regulations are established and enforced by each state. Therefore, the minimum wage that is used in one state can be different from the minimum wage that is employed in a neighboring state
Wage Garnishment
Wage garnishment is a collection technique that is employed by lenders when other options have failed. When wage garnishment is initiated, a portion of an individual's income will be taken in order to compensate creditors for the money that was lent to a debtor. The Internal Revenue Service can also garnish wages, if an individual does not pay the taxes that he/she owes.
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