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What is the Subversive Activities Registration?
The Subversive activities registration was passed by the South Carolina legislature in 1951. This unique law states that anyone planning to overthrow the government must, well, register with the government.
The quirky law imposes a five-dollar registration fee for individuals planning..
Full text of the Physician Payments Sunshine ActS.2029 -- Physician Payments Sunshine Act of 2007 (Introduced in Senate - IS)S 2029 IS 110th CONGRESS1st SessionS. 2029To amend title XI of the Social Security Act to provide for transparency in the relationship between physicians and manufacturers of drugs, devices, or medical supplies for which payment is made under Medicar..

What is Suzerainty?
Suzerainty occurs when a region or group of people has a limited amount of authority but is controlled by a larger and more powerful entity. Sovereignty relates to suzerainty but is different. Sovereignty occurs when the region or group of people is allowed to rule themselves and is not subject to control by a..
Full Text of the Taft Hartley Act:TAFT-HARTLEY ACTLABOR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS ACT Also cited LMRA; 29 U.S.C. Sec. Sec. 141-197 [Title 29, Chapter 7, United States Code]  ..
Text of the Tea Act of 1773The Tea Act, 1773, British ParliamentAn act to allow a drawback of the duties of customs on the exportation of tea to any of his Majesty's colonies or plantations in America; to increase the deposit on behea tea to be sold at the India Company's sales; and to empower the commissioners of the treasury to grant licensees to the East India Company to exp..

Finding the right Telephone DirectoryA telephone directory can be used both for individuals and certain companies, agencies, or organizations. For a telephone directory with information on individuals, the best place to look is in the white pages. White pages provide information on a person’s listed name, address, and telephone number. This telephone directory is availab..

Tennessee disability benefit is administered by the Disability Determination Services for the state of Tennessee, which is a section of the Division of Rehabilitation Services in the Department of Human Services. The function of this section is to determine if an individual is eligible for TN disability benefits through the Social Security Administration...

A Quick Guide to Texas Disabilities
Texas Disability
Texas has strict and detailed laws concerning disability, and these laws are in place to protect employers and public taxpayers from common types of Texas disability fraud and schemes. Common types of Texas disabilities fraud are discussed in this article, as well as information about ..

The electoral college is the system used to elect the President in the United States of America. It is not a uniquely American system, and has been implemented in different forms throughout history, although most of these forms of the electoral college did not appear quite as the American system does. The defining characteristics of any given electoral college are that it is ma..

The Help America Vote Act, or more commonly known as HAVA, is a federal piece of legislation which was passed in the House of Representatives at a 357-48 vote and a 92-2 vote in the Senate. The Help America Vote Act was signed by President George W. Bush on October 29, 2002. The Help America Vote Act was passed, in essence, as a response to the controversy which surrounded the ..

Third-wave feminism
"Third-wave feminism" is a term referring feminist ideas and issues which have been discussed since approximately the beginning of the 1990s. The primary focus of third-wave feminism is arguably the decision to consciously expand the definition of feminism's goals, associated up to that time with white American women, an..
What are Title XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act?The Title XVIII and XIX amendments to the Social Security Act of 1935 established Medicare and Medicaid and were two of the most important achievements of the Great Society programs. These amendments derive the basis and administration of these programs and became law on July 30, 1965. The Social Security Act w..

What were the Torture Memos?
The torture memos were a series of documents that informed the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of the Defense, and President of the United States on certain torture techniques that may be legal through interpretation of Geneva Conventions standards. Some of these torture techniques called for sleep d..

Short History of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians
Members of the tribe refer to themselves as “The Original People.” The Reservation is located in Belcourt, North Dakota, and members of the tribe are mainly members of the Pembina Band of Chippewa. The tribe also shares ancestry with other Chippewa bands, the Cree ..

While a Canadian pension plan can as a general matter be understood as the broad context of financial-savings plan offered for the use of employees within the larger scope of the labor market in Canada, the specific term of the Canada Pension Plan can also, variously, be understood to refer to a specific program made available to Canadian citizens by the country’s government...