Find The Answers To Your Social Security Questions
Common Social Security Questions
When am I eligible to receive Social Security benefits?
Eligibility status concerning the obtainment of social security benefits is based on when you were born. Retirements benefits may begin as early as the age of 62 and as late as the age of 67. Individuals born prior to 1938, are fully eligible at age 65. If the applicant was born after 1960, full eligibility is obtained at age 67. People born between 1938 and 1942 are eligible for full Social Security benefits on a graduating scale that increases by two months per year. Those born between 1943 and 1954 are eligible for Social Security benefits at age 66.
How is Social Security Eligibility Determined?
Eligibility for Social Security is established based on the amount of credits earned during the individual’s working years. The majority of people need to earn 40 credits in order to qualify. As of 2010, one credit is awarded given for every $1,120 in earned income up to a maximum of four credits per year.
How much money will I receive from Social Security Benefits?
The amount of Social Security benefits is calculated by averaging the earnings from the individual’s 35 highest income-operating years. The maximum Social Security check that an individual can earn is $2,346 per month.
Can I receive Social Security if I am still working?
If an individual reaches full retirement age, they can continue to work without negatively impacting their Social Security payments. If the candidate opts to receive Social Security prior to their full retirement age, they are permitted to earn up to $14,160 for 2010. For every $2 earned over the limit, $1 is withheld from the individual’s benefits.
How does Social Security work for my Spouse?
If the candidate’s spouse worked long enough to qualify for Social Security, both individuals will qualify for full benefits. If the candidate’s spouse does not work or earned only a small amount when compared to the candidate, their spouse’s benefit will be increased to a rate equal to half of their benefit amount.
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