American Power Act Text
(a) Short Title- This Act may be cited as the ‘Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act’.
(b) Table of Contents- The table of contents of this Act is as follows:
Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Findings.
Sec. 3. Economywide emission reduction goals.
Sec. 4. Definitions.
Sec. 101. Structure of Act.
Sec. 102. Requirements relating to Federal advisory committees.
Sec. 103. Voluntary renewable energy markets.
Sec. 111. Emission standards.
‘Sec. 821. Greenhouse gas emission standards for mobile sources.
Sec. 112. Greenhouse gas emission reductions through transportation efficiency.
‘Sec. 831. Greenhouse gas emission reductions through transportation efficiency.
Sec. 113. Transportation greenhouse gas emission reduction program grants.
‘Sec. 832. Transportation greenhouse gas emission reduction program grants.
Sec. 114. Smartway transportation efficiency program.
‘Sec. 822. SmartWay transportation efficiency program.
Sec. 122. Regulations for geological sequestration sites.
‘Sec. 813. Geological storage sites.
Sec. 123. Studies and reports.
Sec. 124. Performance standards for new coal-fueled power plants.
‘Sec. 812. Performance standards for new coal-fired power plants.
Sec. 125. Carbon capture and sequestration demonstration and early deployment program.
Sec. 131. Findings and policy.
Sec. 132. Nuclear worker training.
Sec. 133. Nuclear safety and waste management programs.
Sec. 141. WaterSense.
Sec. 142. Federal procurement of water-efficient products.
Sec. 143. State residential water efficiency and conservation incentives program.
Sec. 151. Office of Consumer Advocacy.
Sec. 152. Clean technology business competition grant program.
Sec. 153. Product carbon disclosure program.
Sec. 154. State recycling programs.
Sec. 155. Supplemental agriculture, abandoned mine land, and forestry greenhouse gas reduction and renewable energy program.
Sec. 156. Economic Development Climate Change Fund.
‘Sec. 219. Economic Development Climate Change Fund.
Sec. 157. Study of risk-based programs addressing vulnerable areas.
Sec. 158. Efficient Buildings Program.
Sec. 161. Renewable energy.
Sec. 162. Advanced biofuels.
Sec. 163. Energy efficiency in building codes.
Sec. 164. Retrofit for energy and environmental performance.
Sec. 165. Certified stoves program.
Sec. 166. Renewable fuel standard.
Sec. 167. Tree planting programs.
Sec. 171. Short title.
Sec. 172. State fuel economy regulation for taxicabs.
Sec. 173. State regulation of motor vehicle emissions for taxicabs.
Sec. 181. Clean Energy and Accelerated Emission Reduction Program.
Sec. 182. Advanced natural gas technologies.
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Sec. 201. Advanced energy research.