Article 1 Overview
First Article of the Constitution
The United States Federal Government has as its
source of power all vested in the United States Constitution. It is this
historical and priceless document that is at the vortex behind the governmental
power behind the infrastructure of the United States. The first three Articles
of the United States Constitution outline the three branches of government that
are to become the architecture for government of the country.
The First Article institutes the Legislative Branch and provides for the specific responsibilities and duties that this branch is entitled to, including exclusive powers resting solely on the Legislature. The First Article of the Constitution also states that a bicameral legislation is to be created, consisting of two chambers, which is to be known as Congress. Congress is divided into two Houses: the Upper House, known as the Senate, and the Lower House, known as the House of Representatives.
The Constitution also provides that the strength of the Federal Government would lie with the Legislature. The Constitution secures this concept by provides that Amendments cannot be made to this Article and are entirely restricted as stated in Article 5.
The First Article of the
Constitution is divided into ten sections which set up the regulations and
systematic approach for each the Senate and the House of Representatives,
Congressional elections, bills, the powers of congress, and limits on the
The Senate is the Upper House of the United States
Congress. The scope of this chamber's authority and related powers are included
under Article I of the United States Constitution. Many of these powers are
exclusive to the Senate and are not delegated to the Lower House of Congress, the
House of Representatives. Among the several powers granted to the Senate, some
include the approval of treaties, the approval of certain types of Federal
officers, such as Federal judges, and the ability to try impeached officials by
the House.
The Senate is considered to be more of a prestigious position in Congress, which is partly due to its actual size. The Senate is elected by the states, and each State is provided for two seats in the Senate. The two State representatives are not contingent to population numbers of the State in the way the House of Representatives are assigned. Furthermore, Senate members serve a term of six years compared to Representatives' term of only two years. Presiding over the Senate is the ex officio President of the Senate, which is also the Vice President of the United States. Currently holding the position is Joe Biden.
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