Security Certificate Overview
What is a Security Certificate?
A Security Certificate is a legal instrument that is granted and authorized by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); ‘SEC’ is an acronym for the Securities and Exchange Commission, which is the regulatory body mandated by the Federal government of the United States employed to investigate and regulate matters involving financial and investment activity of the public, commercial market.
A Security Certificate is required in order to authorize the legality and recognition innate within any or all transfers of securities or financial instruments undertaken within the trade and exchange amongst the realm of the public, open market – another name for the stock market.
What are Securities?
Securities are defined as financial instruments that are both traded and exchanged within the realm of the public, commercial market; activities latent within this market rely heavily on transfer and purchase of securities. In contrast to money or hard currency, securities cannot be used as currency within a commercial setting; this means that while securities can be traded and exchanged within the setting of a financial market, individuals in possession of securities are not permitted to use securities as legal tender.
Yet, within individual securities exists an individual monetary value, which is valued both as per its immediate value, as well as its eventual value; eventual value with regard to securities exists as a result of the capacity for the increase or decrease with regard to its valuation.
The Purpose of a Security Certificate
A Security Certificate serves a variety of purposes, which range in classification from the regulation of the transfer of monetary instruments, and well as the governmental mandating of financial activity; the attainment of a Security Certificate not only expresses the latent legality within a financial transaction involving securities, but also commits that transaction to official record. Within the following circumstances, a Security Certificate is typically requires in the event of financial transfer:
Legal Compliance
A Security Certificate acts as a contract upon whose participation solidifies the expressed consent of both parties involved within the transfer of this particular security; a Security Certificate is mandated by the Sec, which requires the adherence to any and all statutes and stipulations conveyed by the innate legality evident within the wording of a particular Security Certificate.
Transfer of Securities
Upon the transfer of securities, a Security Certificate is required by the SEC in order for the completion of the process; this requirement is also imperative with regard to approval of the SEC with regard to the transfer of individual securities – the receipt of a Security Certificate allows for the conveyance of legality within an individual transfer.
Commitment to Official Records
The receipt of a Security Certificate can also provide for both solace and ‘peace of mind’ with regard to the individuals or entities involved in such a transfer; in the event that the transfer of a security requires officiating, the SEC files every Security Certificate awarded within its archives – this results is the official substantiation of an individual transfer as a result of the awarding of a Security Certificate
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