Georgia Family Law
A Quick Guide to Georgia Family Law
Where can I find the majority of Georgia Family Laws?
After you have arrived at the website, you can click on the “Georgia Code” tab on the left side of the screen, you will be brought to a searchable list of all GA Code. The majority of Georgia family law is listed under Title 19 Domestic Relations, and this article will discuss some general information in important chapters. If you are searching the updated statutes for divorce, adoption, child custody, or the majority of issues in Michigan family law, you should contact a lawyer immediately.
Specific Georgia Family Laws and Code
While search Georgia family law and code, you may consider referencing some of the more requested chapters under Title 19. Some of these popular chapters under Georgia family law are described below:
Chapter 3 Marriage Generally
This chapter provides prerequisites for a valid marriage, as well as who cannot marry in the state of GA. This chapter also contains information on Georgia family laws for licenses and other contracts.
Chapter 5 Divorce
This chapter of Georgia family law is one of the most frequently accessed chapters under Georgia’s updated code. This chapter covers the entirety of divorce procedures, including property division, child support, spousal support, procedure, and much more.
Chapter 8 Adoption
This chapter of Georgia family law provides general provisions for adoption such as who may adopt a child, information about petitions, financial disclosures, investigative procedures from a child-placing agency, and much more.
Article 2 of this chapter under Georgia family laws provides information about the legal rights of the embryo custodian and information about the finality of orders.
Chapter 9 Child Custody Proceedings
This chapter of Georgia family laws provides general provisions, information about the Child Custody Intrastate Jurisdiction Act, the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, and procedures for the power of attorney for the care of child.
For more information, visit the link provided at the beginning of this article.
How to Search Georgia Family Law
Consider the follow search techniques while researching Georgia family laws. These search techniques will work for this website as well.
1. Stemming- this technique includes adding suffixes onto your search, such as divorces, divorcing, divorced, or more
2. Wildcards- a wildcard allows you to search multiple words using an asterisk, and adopt* will usually bring you to adopted, adoption, adopting, adoptive, adoptable, and more.
3. Missing variables- you can search for a missing variable with a question mark, and wom?n will bring results associated with woman, women, and more
4. Boolean Operators- you should always consider using and, or, and not to limit your searches as well
Of course, searching for a specific term will limit your search and bring you closer to what you’re looking for, but if you’re having trouble finding a term, you can use the methods above.
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