Spousal Support Calculator Colorado
Guide for Spousal Support Calculator in Colorado
Is there a Spousal Support Calculator in Colorado?
There is a unique Spousal Calculator in Colorado that this website uses. This site uses provisions from Colorado law in order to construct a Spousal Support Calculator. Colorado judges use a standard formula in most cases unless he or she must look over the case and make a judgment of their own. There are many variables that can affect the standard Spousal Calculator in Colorado, and some of these variables are explained below.
Does the Spousal Support Calculator in Colorado differentiate?
There are many cases that throw off the state’s standard formula. Unless two spouses come to a mutual temporary agreement, a judge may look at any number of issues in order to calculate the proper amount. A judge may choose to not even use the Spousal Support Calculator in Colorado if they believe their final settlement is better. However, if the judge does use the formula, some of the following conditions may affect the final outcome:
1) What are the supported and supporting party’s assets and financial obligations?
2) What was the length of the marriage?
3) Is the supported party able to work without directly affecting their duties as a parent?
4) What is the age of both the spouses?
5) What is the current mental and physical health of both the spouses?
Jobs and Means to Income
1) What education, professional skills, and employment history does each spouse have?
2) What is the current job market for the supported party’s job skills?
3) What amount of time does the supported spouse need to seek education or training to develop proper job skills?
4) What is the supporting party’s gross income from employment?
5) What is the supporting party’s income from investments, retirement, or other means?
6) What amount does the supporting spouse spend on vacation, real estate, vehicles, or other means of recreation?
7) Does the supported party need to maintain the same standard of living as during the marriage?
8) Is there any evidence of domestic violence during the time of the marriage?
9) Does the supported spouse have a reasonable goal for becoming self-supportive?
10) What types of benefits does the non-custodial parent pay for health insurance, education, or any similar expense for the child or children?
When is the Spousal Support Calculator in Colorado used?
The state uses the formula if the combined income of the spouse’s is less than $75,000. There is a specific procedure to calculating the formula as well. First, you must calculate 40% of the monthly gross income for the spouse with higher income. Then, you must subtract 50% of the gross income from the other spouse’s calculated percentage. If the total calculation equals zero or even a negative number, the state of Colorado will deem spousal maintenance unnecessary.
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