Alimony in Maine
The Basics for Alimony in Maine
It would seem to make sense that the concept of alimony can be ‘basic’ as the title says, but the truth is this: alimony is everything but basic. For starters, states vary on the terminology and the grounds for alimony payments. So it’s important to know for any party what to consider and what to be prepared for when dealing with alimony in Maine.
For Starters, What Does ‘Alimony’ Mean?
It’s also known as ‘spousal support.’ That can easily provide a quick understanding, as ‘spousal support’ is financial support directed to one spouse. Whereas ‘child support’ is designed for financial assistance toward the raising and caretaking of a child(ren).
There are also five types of alimony in Maine:
1. General Support
2. Transitional Support
3. Reimbursement Support
4. Nominal Support
5. Interim Support
‘General Support’ for alimony in Maine is simply financial support for a spouse that basically doesn’t have as much income as the other, hence the term ‘general.’ There are no other specific reasons for it.
In contrast, more specific types of support can be included with ‘Transitional Support’ alimony in Maine in the sense that it assists the other spouse in transitioning through the divorce. Examples for this type of alimony in Maine may include drastic changes in housing, possibly out of county, or even the loss of a job.
‘Reimbursement Support,’ however, is designed to benefit both parties in the sense that in any divorce, income change is extremely drastic. For the most part, both parties may have similar income situations, so the possibility of a small amount of support toward one party may be rewarded on a ‘reimbursement’ basis rather than an outright ‘payment’ basis. Possibilities for that may include a rent payment or mortgage payment that will then be reimbursed by the other party at a later time.
What is ‘Nominal Support’? It’s simply the type of alimony that allows a court to grant or modify the current order whenever necessary, even without the consent from a payee party. Situations for that might include the immediate employment of the payee party, which would then cancel the need for any receipt of alimony payments.
Last but not least, ‘Interim Support’ is when a spouse requires specific assistance only during the time of the divorce action. Once the judgment or decree has been awarded, typically this type of support cancels.
Requirements for Alimony in the State of Maine
These are the common considerations a court may discuss when deliberating on a motion for alimony:
1. The Length of the Marriage
2. Income Potential for Each Spouse
3. The Age of Each Spouse
4. Employment History and Potential
5. Education and Training
6. Retirement and Health Insurance
7. Property Tax Issues Upon Asset Distribution
8. General Health and Disabilities (if Applicable)
9. Tax Consequences as a Result of Any Spousal Support Award
10. Household Contributions (Home Improvements, Additions, Etc.)
11. Contributions to Education Toward Either Spouse
12. Standard of Living
13. How Long It Would Take for the Receiving Spouse to Self-Support
14. The Effect of Income on the Paying Spouse
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