North Carolina Divorce Forms
Guide to North Carolina Divorce Forms
North Carolina divorce forms may seem simple, but the state places strict procedures on all divorce cases. Some NC divorce forms can be located under the official website of the North Carolina Court System, but most of the divorce forms and packets require a fee. Additionally, the forms are so hard to fill out because there are strict guidelines surrounding when and how a NC divorce form needs turned in.
The state also requires an attorney to oversee some of the divorce procedures and the filling out of some North Carolina divorce forms. Some forms are strictly the family law attorney’s responsibility, but you can help by filling out what NC divorce forms you can. In order to receive all the correct documents, first talk to your lawyer and then go to the local clerk’s office to obtain your NC divorce forms.
Some of the North Carolina divorce forms you may be able to fill out yourself fall below:
Complaint for Absolute Divorce
This document serves as a general uncontested complaint. A petitioner must list their residence and social security number as well as the defendant’s county of residence and social security number as well. You must also list the date of marriage and date of separation. There must be proof that the husband and wife have permanently lived apart during the whole separation.
Verification Document
This form is mainly for filing services and verifies the plaintiff has provided complete and correct information in the complaint to the best of their knowledge. This form must be signed in front of the notary public. Additionally, this document cannot be signed until one year and one day after the official date of separation.
AOC-CV0100 Civil Summons/Alias and Pluries Summons
This form acts as the official notification to the respondent. The form tells the respondent they have 30 days to respond before a default on the divorce occurs. The form must contain the address of the plaintiff’s attorney.
Affidavit of Service by Certified Mail
This form serves as verification that the summons was delivered by certified mail or any other reasonable method. The form must list the respondent’s name, address, and date they received the original summons. This form must be filled out 30 days prior to the hearing. You must attach a Post Office Return Receipt and sign this form before the Notary public.
Notice of Divorce Hearing
This form has very specific instructions about the divorce hearing. The document specifies what times a divorce hearing will be held with attorneys or Pro Se Litigants. The form has two sides. The front notifies any Pro Se Litigants that they must provide proof and date of the summons and provide three copies of this form to the Clerk of the Superior Court. You must provide the clerk with one copy, the respondent with one copy, and yourself with one copy. The back of this form is the Certificate of Service and provides the form of delivery and even fax numbers if sent electronically.
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