Copy of Divorce Decree
Getting a Copy of Divorce Decree
Many may know that it’s crucial to keep a copy of Divorce Decree safe and sound in your possession for the purposes of reference. Divorce is a complex situation. Keeping in mind every provision, every stipulation, every guideline is crucial to the agreement working as it should.
But What Happens When You Lose Your Copy of Divorce Decree?
Will there be a problem? Are you doomed to fail in the orders stipulated in the copy of divorce decree you once had? Will you constantly miss child support payments? Will you forget which holidays you have parenting time with the child(ren)?
Violations of some of the provisions in any copy of divorce decree can be serious, and in all honesty many decrees can get quite lengthy. Losing your copy of divorce decree can be serious.
It would do any custodial parent well to heed the provisions of parenting time to the letter, because any violation of the other parent’s right to visitation is grounds for law enforcement to step in. And that can have major repercussions in the divorce. A custodial parent may even lose physical custody of the child(ren).
So don’t take the Decree lightly.
Luckily, Getting Another Copy of Divorce Decree Is Possible
It is permissible. Write or go to any vital statistics office in the state you live in, and you can easily obtain a copy of divorce decree as if you had never lost it. But in doing so, make sure you follow these important steps:
• Firstly, direct your letters concisely.
• Only write one letter per request.
• All addresses and names need to be present in the letter or the meeting at the office.
• You must include even nicknames, any alternate spellings, as well as the dates of the divorce.
• If sending a letter, be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope.
• Be patient, because county personnel do take awhile to obtain the correct documents for you.
You Can Help Personnel Do Their Job
Be well prepared. Include information such as the date of the request, full names of both parties with the ex-husband’s last name in upper case and ex-wife’s maiden name in upper case, the official divorce or annulment date, location of the divorce petition, the type of final decree issued, actual relationship to either or both parties, the reason for obtaining a new copy, your name and address (if not either party requesting a copy), driver’s license number and state, and then of course a signature to top it all off.
And that’s it.
Once You Obtain the New Copy….
Store it in a filing cabinet. And know where it is. If you happen to be one of the parties involved in the divorce, you’ll be referring to it on a weekly basis, maybe even a daily basis depending on the complexity of the divorce agreement.
And after you’re done referring to the information in the Decree, put it back in the filing cabinet where it can be safe and sound. Never let it out of your sight.
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