Louisiana Divorce Records Online
You will not be able to find Louisiana divorce records online as even trusted online providers that expedite divorce certificates for other states are not authorized to do so under Louisiana state law. This includes providers such as VitalChek. As such, you must work with the Clerk of Court for the parish that the divorce was finalized in to receive the divorce record. Parishes will have slightly different requirements for identification, procedure, fees and search policy. Uniformly, you will not be able to view divorce records belonging to non-immediate family members or browse all Louisiana divorce records.
Finding Louisiana divorce records
You may use the Department of Health and Hospitals Website to pinpoint the location of the Clerk of Court office you will need to contact to obtain a certified divorce record. In addition, you may perform a simple search for the Clerk of Court and parish name to find the location of the appropriate office. There is no other legitimate way to obtain a certified Louisiana divorce record.
Obtaining a divorce decrees
The divorce decree is a certified document that states the terms of the divorce as well as other relevant in formation. The Clerk of Court for the parish the divorce was filed in will have this document achieved. You must contact the Clerk of Court for more information on the procedure and fees to obtain this document. Generally, you will need identification and proof of relation to either spouse on the form to access the divorce record. Parishes to not offer access to Louisiana divorce records online, but you may be able to complete the transaction and verification online, for your convenience.
Genealogical research
For those carrying out genealogical research, divorce decrees are typically sealed for 50 years. Divorces prior to this may be public record but if you receive the records from a third party, they will be no way to verify the accuracy or legitimacy of those records.
Using a third party
No third party is authorized to act as an independent agent in providing you with Louisiana divorce records online. If the parish uses an independent processing and verification system, you will have to file the request with the parish first or follow the procedures set by the parish. In general, the quickest way to receive the record will be to visit the office in person and file all documentation while providing identification and processing payment. If this is not possible, you will have to use the phone or mail and either authorize a credit card payment or pay by check.
You should not pay subscription or access fees to third parties to view Louisiana divorce records online and you should not expect to be able to view the divorce records of other persons contrary to policy set by the parish.
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