Divorce Mediation Connecticut
When two spouses decide to separate permanently, they can decrease the prospective expenses of the legal process by cooperating throughout divorce procedures. The most important part of this cooperation is creating a written separation agreement detailing how the couple plans to resolve such issues as:
• Alimony payments
• Division of jointly owned property
• Child custody arrangements
• Child support payments
• Visitation rights
• Payment of joint debts
If a couple is unable to reach an agreement between themselves on any or all of these issues, they may wish to try divorce mediation in Connecticut. This is a voluntary step that can be taken before filing a petition for divorce or at any time prior to a scheduled court date. Entering this process does not commit either spouse to signing a document whose terms they find unfair or unsatisfactory.
A mediator may be an attorney, but many are non-lawyer specialists in the field. During the process of divorce mediation in Connecticut, this professional works to establish an environment in which both spouses can express their disagreements and hoped-for outcomes openly and frankly. It may be desirable to have experts in fields such as mental health or debt relief sit in as co-mediators during some of these sessions.
There is no format that must be followed when undertaking divorce mediation in Connecticut. Couples whose disagreements are relatively simple may be able to achieve a satisfactory compromise within a single session. In other cases, multiple meetings may be required before two spouses come to terms. Sometimes spouses may request that they be seated in different rooms while a mediator goes back and forth. If partners no longer reside in the same city, divorce mediation in Connecticut can be arranged using teleconferencing.
At the outset of any first meeting, a mediator will remind both parties that nothing they say during the sessions will be reported to the court. The only legally binding outcome that can emerge from divorce mediation in Connecticut will be a separation agreement that has been consented to by both spouses without duress.
The biggest advantage of negotiating a written agreement prior to a court date is that it helps both spouses guarantee that they understand how much separation will cost them. If no agreement can be reached, one or both spouses may decide they need private legal representation to argue their case in court. This is a major expense that will make it impossible to obtain a divorce cheaply. Additionally, if a judge is left to rule on any unresolved issues, he may issue a settlement that is unsatisfactory to both parties.
If you and your spouse are unable to pay for the services of an experienced mediator, you may be able to get free help. The state’s courthouses maintain lists of judges and trial referees in your district who will be willing to help with divorce mediation in Connecticut. You are entitled to ask any potential mediator about their educational background and experience with your kinds of issues.
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