Do It Yourself Divorce in Ohio
A Do It Yourself Divorce in Ohio Guide
If you’re a resident in Ohio facing the possibility of divorce, there are some things you will need to know about the process.
A Divorce Petition
First there’s the ‘divorce petition.’ It’s sometimes referred as the “divorce papers.” This is common protocol for a do it yourself divorce in OH. Generally speaking, anyone can obtain this document from a legal aid department, and the spouse who fills out the document would be considered the Petitioner or Plaintiff. Likewise, the spouse who would be receiving the document would be considered the Respondent or Defendant.
When everything on the petition is filled out, it’s the responsibility of the Petitioner to deliver a copy to the Respondent and also send a copy to the court in the county from which either the Petitioner or the Respondent resides.
What Is Included in a Divorce Petition?
A do it yourself divorce in Ohio should include the name of the husband, name of the wife, and the names of children if present. It will also list any separate properties held under the marriage as well as any stipulations regarding child custody, support, and alimony.
Steps Toward Serving the Petition
For a do it yourself divorce in OH, getting the petition to the Respondent, a process known as the “service of process,” is as simple as showing up personally to hand the papers over. The Respondent then simply signs the papers, saying that he or she has received the petition. There is no mandate to sign, though. A Respondent can choose not to. In addition, a Petitioner may find that the Respondent is difficult to locate. However a Petitioner can hire a professional server to locate the Respondent and serve the divorce papers.
Once the Petition Is Served….
A waiting period then begins. This is when the court establishes automatic restraining orders, gets all the appropriate paperwork ready in regards to prohibitions for taking children out of state, selling or borrowing against property, purchasing new insurance, or selling old insurance.
A Respondent, though, may choose to “respond” to the petition in writing, stating that he or she either agrees or disagrees with the terms, or even the whole document itself. Agreeing to the petition may make the process move much faster, as it’s now clear that there’s no dispute or contestation with the divorce.
What Happens, Though, When One Spouse Doesn’t Agree With the Terms of the Divorce?
During a do it yourself divorce in Ohio can include everything from child support to the entire marriage itself.
Whatever the issues are, the next step would be to take the issues to court for deliberation. Both sides are heard as to whether or not to proceed with the petition. Attorneys may also be present if any side chooses to hire one.
The bottom line, though, is a court won’t make any final judgment for divorce until the waiting period is officially over. This is the law in any do it yourself divorce in OH.
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