Divorce in Wyoming
Married couples who are considering temporary or permanent separation in Wyoming should be aware of the following things:
Wyoming state divorce laws
Anyone filing for divorce in Wyoming must have been a resident of the state for at least 60 days.
Grounds for divorce
Almost all couples will be granted a no fault divorce in the state on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. The only kinds of at-fault divorces in Wyoming that will be granted concern spouses who are clinically insane and have been institutionalized for two years or longer.
Legal separation
Couples who are uncertain as to whether they wish to finalize a divorce may choose to live apart separately while technically married. A legal separation can settle areas of dispute such as alimony, child custody and related issues. This legally binding document can be enforced by the court if a spouse does not adhere by its guidelines. The terms of any legal separation may be applied to divorce proceedings or discarded if the couple reconciles.
Types of divorce
If the couple can agree on the terms of their separation, their divorce in Wyoming will be processed as an uncontested divorce. When one spouse does not agree to separate or disagreements over alimony, child custody or other areas render a pretrial agreement impossible to produce, this will be treated as a contested divorce.
Steps in the divorce process
When a petition for divorce in Wyoming is filed, the other spouse will have a period of time to respond officially if they wish. They may also waive their right to object to accelerate negotiations with their spouse. Throughout the pretrial process, both parties will be encouraged to agree upon the teams of a mutually satisfactory separation. If both spouses cannot agree on the terms of their separation, they will proceed to family court and abide by the decision of the judge presiding over their case.
Spousal support
Temporary or permanent alimony may be issued in cases of divorce in Wyoming, foremost taking into account both parties’ financial capabilities. This alimony may take the form of payments or property, which can be reassigned to the person seeking support.
Child support
Judges issuing rulings in the cases of parents filing for divorce in Wyoming who are unable to agree on child support payments may take the following factors into account, as well as any other considerations they deem relevant to the case:
• Childcare expenses
• Pregnancy expenses
• The cost of transportation to ensure the child stays in regular visitation contact with both parents
• How much each parent can contribute to the child’s health insurance expenses
• How much time the child spends with each parent
• Either spouse’s unemployment
Fathers’ and mothers’ rights
Judges cannot take gender into consideration when awarding custody. How far apart both parents live, their willingness to work together for the child’s benefit, and how well the child gets along with both parents will be among the factors a judge may deem relevant in settling custody claims.
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