Philip Markoff
Philip Markoff
Philip Markoff was arrested by the Boston Police Department for his alleged murder of Julissa Brisman in 2009. He committed suicide while in prison custody the following year.
Philip Markoff became the primary suspect in police investigations involving three women he met on Craigslist who were offering various forms of exotic services. The first of these women was a paid escort who was tied up and robbed at gunpoint, followed less than a week later by the death of Julissa Brisman. Nine days later, a third woman was the victim of an attempt robbery. The first two incidents took place in Boston, while the third occurred in Warwick, Rhode Island. The similarity of all three incidents and their close proximity attracted a vigorous police investigation.
As part of their investigations, authorities reviewed the phone and internet service records of Philip Markoff. He was arrested while driving on the interstate highway I-95 with his fiance and charged with the murder of Brisman. At his arraignment hearing, Philip Markoff entered a "not guilty" plea in response to all charges which had been filed against him. The judge ordered that Philip Markoff be detained without any bail. The prosecution gathered evidence against Philip Markoff which had been obtained during a search of his apartment, where guns and items used in restraining people were found. Additionally, the state of Rhode Island moved to prosecute Markoff for the third attempted robbery but agreed to suspend legal action until Massachusetts had completed criminal trial proceedings.
The trial of Philip Markoff was delayed by numerous legal complications, including a motion filed his attorney John Salsberg. This lawyer argued that the trial of Philip Markoff had to be delayed because the prosecution had released so much confidential testimony and evidence to the press that it had become impossible to form an impartial jury. The trial was ultimately moved from a scheduled July 2010 start date to March of 2011.
During this time, the amount of media coverage surround Philip Markoff remained consistent. Initially his fiance Megan McAllister issued statements of belief in his innocence. Later, she terminated her engagement to Markoff. During his time in custody, Philip Markoff made three separate unsuccessful suicide attempts, the second of which was prompted by the end of his engagement. These occurred from April to August of 2009, and involved attempts using shoelaces, an attempt to cut his wrists and a deliberate overdose of medication. After his first suicide attempt, Philip Markoff was put on a suicide watch. This was later removed.
In August of 2010, Philip Markoff succeeded in committing suicide. When his body was found, his former fiance's name was written in blood on the walls of his cell. Prosecution efforts have yet to be formally terminated. His successful suicide also caused the Boston City Council to note its concern about inadequate safety procedures in the city's correctional facilities, especially in monitoring inmates who were known suicide risks.
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