H5 (US company) is the leading provider of e-discovery and case support for large corporations and their counsel. The company is known for helping large corporations and Fortune 500 companies find documents, control cost, and meet strict deadlines for discovery in high-profile cases.
If a corporation or a top law firm receives help from H5 (US company), the company will immediately begin its e-discovery services. Normally, legal counsel only needs to provide the company with their review objective and the e-discovery process begins. The retrieval of relevant documents for the case is then handled by a team of linguists, statisticians, attorneys, computer analysts, and other qualified professionals.
H5 is the leading company in its line of business, and it can help a company and legal team dramatically reduce their costs associated with the discovery process.
H5 (US company) uses retrieval methods that meet protocols under TREC, which is an initiative co-sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Department of Defense. TREC was formed to establish standards large-scale retrievals of text.
The company also founded the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) Project. They were also involved with the EDRM Metrics Project and the EDRM Search Project, and these projects addressed and fixed standards within the market of electronic discovery.
Importantly, the company is ISO 27001 Certified. The certification by the Internal Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the only internationally recognized standard the defines clear guidelines and security measures for an Information Security Management System. Simply put, H5’s information is some of the most secure material in the world.
Success Stories
In one success story, H5 (US company) helped a nationally recognized law firm and its client, a Fortune 500 company. The legal team had to review over a million documents, but there were strict timelines associated with the case and the legal team needed help from H5 to reduce the amount of documents. H5 helped the legal team reduce the number of documents by half and save the client about $1 million. The legal team was able to further reduce the number of documents and had time to conduct a thorough review of the most important documents.
In another case, H5 (US company) helped a Fortune 100 company capture hundreds of emails a day. The company was spending too much time trying to review the emails and turned to H5 for help. H5 was able to reduce the amount of data that needed preserved and filtered the most responsive emails. Within two years, H5 was able to reduce the company’s litigation expenses by more than $2 million.
H5’s reputation is clearly indiciated by Charles Blixt, a retired counsel member of R.J. Reynolds. He states, “I have confidence in H5 that they know exactly what they’re doing. They provide a level of accuracy that you can’t get with humans reviewing documents.”
Types of Cases Handled
H5 (US company) provides assistance in the following types of cases:
· Antitrust
· Business Torts and Fraud
· Class Action Litigation
· Copyright Infringement
· Internal Investigations
· Patent Litigation
· Product Liability
· Securities Litigation
· Toxic Torts
· White Collar Crime
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