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Although the Federal Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for overseeing the State Social Services and Human Services, the State holds a large deal of responsibility for monitoring foster homes. State officials know firsthand what is happening in the foster care system and ensure that a certain standard of care is always carried out. Thus, it is only natural t..

Acquiring the services of an experienced surrogacy attorney is a necessity when anyone gets involved in a surrogacy contract. Individuals and couples who intend to be parents should be sure that they are clear on all State laws regarding surrogacy in the State where their surrogate resides, where she intends to give birth, and where they live. Intended parents should conta..

According to child abduction statistics, a child is reported missing every 40 seconds in the United States. However, there are several factors to take into account when reviewing child abduction statistics. There are three different child abduction patterns that kidnappings follow. These different patterns depend on whom the kidnapper is.The first type of kidnapping is one comm..

Although there are various reasons as to why a potential father may fail to appear on the scheduled date in order to have a paternity check administered, one of the most common reasons why some men are believed to not appear is because they are denying paternity. They may be denying paternity for many reasons, and therefore, feel it unnecessary to have a paternity check.One of ..

Right off the bat, juvenile courts and criminal courts differ from their very intent. With the latter, as far as prosecution is concerned, the idea is to accuse an individual or party of one or more crimes, indict them on those charges, and prove their guilt to a jury of the defendant's peers beyond a reasonable doubt. If found guilty, the defendant should receive a sentence pr..

The exact cause of child abuse is not known, however studies regarding child abuse have showed a strong correlation between the act of child abuse and specific influential factors. First, if a parent was exposedphysicalemotionalexperiencedisciplinesubstance abuse problem. Recent studies have found that a parent is much more likely to physically or emotionally abuse a child if t..

In line with the "money talks" viewpoint, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) is a valuable financial tool in trying to help families break the cycle of juvenile justice on a national level. Through partnership with other wings of the Office of Justice Programs, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention offers funds to states and lo..

One of the obvious benefits of being a surrogate mother, is the financial benefit associated with some types surrogate mothering. While there are financial benefits associated with some types of surrogacy, there are also emotional benefits. It is very rewarding to help others.Being a surrogate mother assures a woman that she is providing a child for a couple that desperately wa..

Every State is responsible for creating, maintaining, and enforcing their own child abuse laws. State child abuse laws vary a great deal from State to State. Each State is required to create its own thorough and comprehensive definition of child abuse.Most of states throughout the United States recognize physical violence, molestation, and psychological torment as forms of chil..

For juvenile drug treatment to be successful, it has to target a specific drug-related issue, though this does not mean that addictions to several drugs cannot be treated. Juvenile drug abuse is so prevalent for youths in detention, in fact, that juvenile drug treatment is a necessity for a lot of facilities and rehabilitation programs.According to a five-year study conducted b..

In early America, children's rights were not many of which to speak. Many today would insist people under the age of 18 were wrongly treated by their parents and society. Preservation of order in the home with the use of painful physical punishments was the standard for childbearing practices, and children younger than ten could be tried in adult courts, as they were expected t..

One of the most stressful and troubling aspects of becoming a foster parent is the home study. Most people do not know what to expect when their home and their family is subject to investigation.A home study is an essential portion of the application process for becoming a foster parent and will often determine whether or not an individual is qualified to be a foster parent. Ti..

Traditionally, orphanages only housed the children of deceased parents. In many cases, a relative would assume the responsibility of caring for a child who lost their parents. In situations in which a child had no known relatives or no family member offered to care for the child, the child would become a ward of the State and be placed in an orphanage. As time progressed, ..

If an individual has any reason to suspect that a childis being subjected to physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect, there are many different places in which an individual can effectively report child abuse.Many states within the United States have instituted mandatory reporting laws for reporting suspected child abuse. ..

An obviously critical consideration of rules and regulations of American adoption is who may be adopted. Technically, in about half of the United States, even adults may be adopted. As regards child adoption policies in the United States in themselves, all states allow for children to be adopted.There are qualifications in some jurisdictions, though. States like Indiana will on..