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46. Indiana Guardianship Law
What is Indiana guardianship law?Indiana guardianship law descries the relationship or care between a compensating adult acting as a caretaker and a “protected person,” which is a term that describes those that are disabled. In order for there to be a guardianship relationship claimed, the protected person must be determined to be unable to manage their affairs and ac..
47. International Adoption Overview

48. Iowa Guardianship Law
Quick Guide to Iowa GuardianshipsIowa GuardianshipMost laws concerning Iowa guardianships are located in Iowa Code Chapter 633.557. For a complete listing of all Iowa guardianship laws, visit the updated searchable code under the Iowa Legislature. The majority of the information about an IA guardianship within this article is found under the Iowa State Association o..
49. Juvenile

50. Juvenile Law Overview

51. Kansas Guardianship Law
Quick Guide to Kansas Guardianships under the KGPKansas GuardianshipThe majority of Kansas guardianships occur under the Kansas Guardianship Program (KGP). In order to apply for guardianship in Kansas, a person must be over the age of 18, have no criminal background, show evidence of responsible finances, and show true concern in caring for the incapacitated adult. ..
52. Kentucky Guardianship Law
Guide to Kentucky Guardianship LawThere are several different types of people who need a guardian appointed to them according to KY guardianship law. If you are considering becoming a guardian under Kentucky guardianship law, you need to understand what the law says and what your responsibilities will be. This guide will teach you some of the basics of KY guardiansh..
53. Know The Age of Consent

54. Learn About The Adoption Groups and Organizations

55. Legal Considerations You Must Know

56. Legislative Reforms Overview

57. LGBT Surrogacy Information

58. Louisiana Guardianship Law
A brief guide to Louisiana guardianshipWhen a person is mentally or physically incapable of caring for themselves, the court system may intervene to ensure that they are properly cared for. Many different people can be appointed to Louisiana guardianships. The process of being appointed to this kind of position is complicated and lengthy. Obtaining a Louisiana guardianship is n..
59. Maine Guardianship Law
What is Guardianship Law?
A guardianship, in the United States, is a legal relationship formed when an, individual or institution named in a will or assigned by a court, takes care of minor children for an incompetent or missing adult. Also referred to as a conservatorship, guardianship law is observed to offer a child in need of parental advisory w..
60. Minnesota Guardianship
The Laws of Minnesota GuardianshipIt’s an extremely complex legal niche, so the ultimate best piece of advice to give here is to consult a quality attorney specializing in the guardianship process and application.For these purposes, though, you can expect to know this about the guardianship process and application:What Is a “Legal Guardian” Under the Guardianship Process ..