Importance of Child Advocacy
What is Child Advocacy?
Child Advocacy is considered to be both a methodology, as well an ideology that provides the protection of the rights and freedoms entitled to children. A child, whose legal classification as a minor allows for a multitude of supplementary legislature and requirements with regard to both the institution and the assurance that children are not subjected to abuse, neglect, harm, injury, or exploitation; in essence, the act of advocating for children is considered to be one of the primary precepts within the institution of the protection of children.
Why is Child Advocacy Important?
Child Advocacy is considered to be of primary importance due to the fact that children are not considered to be responsible for their respective self-sufficiency. The classification of children as individuals who require guardianship in order to substantiate a sufficient quality of life is considered to be a facilitator for supplementary measures undertaken in order to provide protection from harm, in addition to the substantiation of the rights and entitlements granted to children:
Child Advocacy is considered to exist in tandem with the advocacy of human rights; however, the lack of presumed autonomy and agency latent within the classification of a child is perceived by many Child Advocacy groups and lobbies as a potential for exploitation – as a result, the implementation of Child Advocacy provides reinforced protection
An expressed ‘age of consent’ implemented within areas of residence and respective jurisdictions provides for statutory legislation that prohibits the participation of children in events and activities presumed to require an elevated level of maturity and presumed experience; this activities include labor, administrative and procedural activity, and sexual activity - Child Advocacy laws serve to oversee the prevention of the exploitation of children with regard to such prohibited activities
Child Advocacy protects the rights of children, which are considered to include the provision of safety, wellbeing, food, water, and shelter; furthermore, these rights express that children are entitled to the participation in community-based programs and the receipt of education
The Goals of Child Advocacy
While Child Advocacy groups aim to serve the best interest of children, these types of groups will primarily focus on the prevention of abuse and neglect suffered by children. The prevention of mistreatment including neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, and exploitation allows for the rights of children to be preserved, as well as availing children with legal and administrative institutions acting as advocates
Children who have neither guardians nor a place of residence are considered to be targeted by individuals undertaking unlawful and illegal activity rooted in the exploitation of children for who are considered to be helpless and vulnerable
Child Advocacy groups allow for the vast expanse of children to undergo the protection of rights and the prevention of harm; Child Advocacy groups exist on both governmental levels, as well as private levels
Child Advocacy will oftentimes work closely with law enforcement and legal officials with regard to an investigation involving a potential case of child abuse; these institutions may specialize in measures ranging from the provision of a new place of residence to the development of charities and programs for children
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- Stop Hurting Children
- Consequences of Child Abuse
- Child Abuse
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