Speeding Ticket New York
Guide to Speeding Tickets in New York
If you have received a speeding ticket in New York, you may be wondering what common speeding ticket fines are and what typical state penalties for speeding can be. This guide will help you understand the basics about getting a speeding ticket in NY, including the maximum that you can be charged for your speeding ticket.
One of the most important consequences of your speeding ticket in New York is that you will receive points on your license. For speeding 1 to 10 miles per hour over the limit, 3 points will be added to your license when you get a speeding ticket in NY. The point amount rises as you speed more: a speeding ticket in New York for 11 to 20 over will get you 4 points, 21 to 30 gets 6, 31 to 40 gets 8 and speeding more than 40 mph over the limit will be an automatic 11 point addition.
Your license can be suspended by a judge for any speeding ticket in NY in excess of 30 miles per hour over the limit, and the DMV can suspend you if your license has 11 points or more within an 18 month period, even if not all of the points were from a speeding ticket in New York.
Paying fines for a speeding ticket in NY can sometimes be tough, but be thankful you didn't get your ticket in some other states, which can charge up to $1000 for a first-time speeding offender. If your speeding ticket in New York is for speeding less than 10 miles per hour over the limit, you will be fined an amount between $45 and $150. If you get a speeding ticket in NY for 11 to 30 mph over the limit, you will have to pay twice that—$90 to 300. If your speeding ticket in New York was for a speed more than 30 mph over, the fine doubles once more, to $180 to $600.
Second-time speeding offenders can expect to see their speeding ticket in NY increase by up to $150, while people caught a third time can have an increase of $375. Because of this, it is possible for a speeding ticket in New York to cost nearly $1000, but only if you were traveling at a truly excessive speed and had multiple previous tickets.
Jail Time
While jail time is not commonly used as a penalty for a speeding ticket in NY, judge are permitted to put speeders in jail for up to 15 days for those speeding less than 10 mph, and 30 days for those speeding 11 mph or more. This is very uncommon, and would likely only happen if your speeding ticket in New York was only one of several violations you had committed. It is very unusual for a first-time speeding ticket in NY to result in any jail time whatsoever. Usually, points, fines, and increased insurance premiums will be the most common results of a speeding ticket in New York.
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