Kansas Parking Laws
Brief Overview of Kansas Parking Laws
Kansas Parking Laws
The majority of Kansas parking law is located within §8-1571 of the state’s revised statutes. There are other laws that regard parking laws in local jurisdictions, and the fines within these jurisdictions will vary—especially in metropolitan areas and education institutions. Kansas parking laws indicate that a person who has received a ticket is allowed to appeal the fine, but these appeals are often very difficult to prove.
This article will discuss general Kansas parking law and information regarding paying your ticket. For more information, regard the complete list of parking laws by searching within the state’s revised statutes.
Specific Kansas Parking Laws
§8-1571 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places of Kansas parking law provides general laws for prohibited parking in the entire state. Local jurisdictions may modify these state laws to provide for more safety, but the general prohibitions under this section are listed below:
1. on the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street
2. on a sidewalk
3. within an intersection
4. on a crosswalk
5. between a safety zone and with 30 feet from the ends of a safety zone
6. alongside or opposite any street excavation that would obstruct traffic
7. upon any bridge, elevated highway, or in a highway tunnel
8. on railroad track
9. on any controlled-access highway
10. in medians or crossovers
11. at any place that prohibits parking
12. in front of a public or private driveway
13. within 15 feet of a fire hydrant
14. within 30 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection
15. within 30 feet of a stop sign or traffic signal
16. within 20 feet of a fire station or 75 feet if posted by fire department
17. within 50 feet of a railroad crossing
Other Kansas Parking Laws
A large percentage of Kansas parking law addresses violations for parking or restricting disabled persons from parking in an appropriate spot. For example, §8-1129 states a person is violating a Kansas parking law if they perform any of the following actions:
• park in any place designated for a person with a special license plate, permanent placard, individual identification card, or valid temporary placard
• stop, stand, or park a vehicle so that it blocks an access entrance
• so that it blocks a disabled parking stall
• so that it blocks an access aisle
• stop, stand, or park in an access aisle between or beside designated parking space
If a person violates any of the Kansas parking laws above, they can receive a fine from $50 to $100.
Can I Pay my Parking Ticket Online in Kansas?
Kansas parking law allows a person to pay their citation online, but only some counties allow electronic submission. Perform a simple search to locate the website of your county court and regard whether they have a section for paying citations.
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