Alaska Parking Laws
Frequently Asked Questions about Alaska Parking Laws
What are Alaska parking laws?
It is difficult and perhaps nearly impossible to give a suitable description of Alaska parking laws. That’s because, for the most part, there are no Alaska parking laws. As in most states, parking laws aren’t set at the state level in Alaska; they’re not even set by counties but instead by individual cities, which makes any comprehensive description of Alaska parking laws impossible for such a brief overview.
So there are no Alaska parking laws?
Obviously, there are many Alaska parking laws, just not any that are set by the state. That said, most parking laws will be the same so long as you are in similar areas of Alaska, which is to say that the same parking laws that are in place in Fairbanks are in place in Juno, though not necessarily in the state’s most rural areas, where traffic congestion is a lesser concern.
That said, there is a single example of Alaska parking laws that are genuinely Alaskan, set by the state and valid in every region. That is Alaska Statute Title 28, Chapter 35, Section 235, which concerns the unauthorized use of parking reserved for persons with disabilities. Essentially, if you park in a handicapped spot but don’t have handicapped licensing, then you are liable to be fined. The penalties are actually surprisingly severe, but perhaps this befits its status as the only state-set parking law: at least $250 in fines and as much as $500.
What are some examples of city parking laws?
If you really want a good idea of Alaska parking laws, then you should perhaps look at the municipal statutes which are how most individuals come into conflict with parking laws in the state. Here are some Alaska parking laws for the city of Fairbanks:
• The registered owner of a car is responsible for paying parking tickets, not the driver necessarily;
• No person may park a vehicle on private property, even privately owned parking property, without the consent of the property’s owner, with a minimum fine of $20;
• No person may park and in doing so obstruct a roadway;
• No person may park in an alley if there is less than ten feet space between their car and a wall;
• No person may stand or may park in a one way street or in any narrow street in which this parking obstructs traffic;
• No person may stand or may park near a particularly hazardous or congested location;
• No person may park during a street cleaning or snow removal, with a minimum fine of $60.
• No person shall park in a single place for more than twenty-four hours;
• No person shall park on or alongside a railway;
• City planners and school architects have the right to put up signs limiting parking or requiring angled parking;
• The penalties for parking violations should be between $20 and $300.
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