What to Know About DUI Charges
Driving Under the Influence laws have developed in order to replace the older, synonymous Driving While Intoxicated. The reason that DUI charges have replace the older laws is because of an increased awareness that even if an individual has a high enough blood alcohol content level, or BAC level, they may not present the appearance of being intoxicated, although they will still be affected, or influenced, by their consumption of alcohol.
DUI charges have also become more common place that DWI charges because a DUI charge can be used to include individuals who have consumed drugs. Modifying their Driving While Intoxicated charges to become generalized DUI charges allowed jurisdictions to not require separate statutes for similar drug and alcohol violations.
Depending on the particular jurisdiction, DUI charges can have various names. Some of these names include
Driving under the influence,
Driving under intense influence,
Driving while intoxicated,
Operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated,
Driving under the combined influence of alcohol and/or other drugs,
Driving under the influence per se,
or drunk in charge [of a vehicle.
Although DUI charges are primarily associated with the use and abuse of a motor vehicle such as a car or truck, DUI charges can also be filed against individuals driving other vehicles, such as a bicycle.
Per se DUI charges are a recent development in that they aloe DUI charges to be filed if a person’s blood alcohol content is at or above a certain legal limit without requiring the actual impairment or influence to be proven.
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